How many strobe lights do I need?

Most people will need no more than 4, which will give you a key light (main light on the subject), fill (as its name suggests, just adds a bit of fill to remove excess shadows), a hair light and a background light – or you can use the hair and background light as both background lights in high key photos.

Is 300w strobe enough?

It only matters if it helps or hinders the way you shoot. A 1200w strobe might be great for them but not be at all practical for you. You need to seriously identify what and where you typically shoot. If you shoot newborn and the occasional portrait, a 300w is plenty of power.

How many watts do I need for a strobe?

You need around 200-300 watts for studio lighting for a small commercial photographic shoot. For larger studios and more subjects, strobes around 400-500 watts will do the job.

Can you use strobe and continuous lighting together?

Today many studios are using both continuous lights and strobes. One light isn’t replacing the other, but instead you have more lighting options than ever before. And when you mix continuous light with strobe, magic can happen.

How do you set up an indoor photo shoot?

Proper camera settings for indoor photography.

  1. Keep ISO as low as possible (around 100)
  2. Use an aperture of f/4 or lower for portraits and f/11 for wide shots.
  3. Select the white balance preset or use a custom setting for the specific lighting conditions.
  4. Shoot in RAW photo format for better editing.

Where should I set my photography lights?

In strobe light photography, the best lighting for photography is to have two light sources on each side the camera, 45-degrees between being a straight-on light source and a sidelight when you are taking portraits. This placement produces a soft shadow and depth while leaving out harsh dark shadows.