How many people live in the Baltics 2021?

General statistics

Estonia Total
Population (2021) 1,329,460 6,015,315
Area 45,339 km2 = 17,505 sq mi 175,228 km2 = 67,656 sq mi
Density 29/km2 = 76/sq mi 34/km2 = 89/sq mi
Water area % 4.56% 2.23%

Which Baltic state has the highest population?

Lithuania is the largest Baltic state in population and territory. It includes 3.7 million people in a little more than 25,000 square miles. The country physically separates mainland Russia from the Russian oblast Kaliningrad, on the Baltic coast. Lithuania was once one of the strongest military powers in Europe.

What are the 5 Baltic states?

The group of countries that are members of the inter-governmental Baltic Assembly and Baltic Council of Ministers, and generally referred to by the shorthand, Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia, exclaved from the remainder of Russia.

How many people were deported from the Baltic states?

More than 200,000 people are estimated to have been deported from the Baltic in 1940–1953. In addition, at least 75,000 were sent to Gulag. 10 percent of the entire adult Baltic population was deported or sent to labor camps, effectively breaking the back of the insurgency.

How big are the Baltic states?

175,015 km²
Baltic states/Area

Is Lithuania Balkan?

Today, the Balkans include these independent countries: Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, rump Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), and Bosnia. These are the countries to the east of Poland, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

What is the largest Baltic country?


Country Area (km²) Land area (km²)
Estonia 45,227 43,214.40
Latvia 64,589 63,574.96
Lithuania 65,300 64,418.45

Is Estonia Baltic?

Baltic states, northeastern region of Europe containing the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Baltic region is dotted with more than 7,000 lakes and countless peat bogs, swamps, and marshes.

What did Stalin do to Lithuania?

The Soviets sent tens of thousands of Lithuanians to Siberia for internment in labor camps (gulags). The death rate among the deported—7,000 of them were Jews—was extremely high.

How many Estonians were sent to Siberia?

Over 8,000 managed to escape, but 20,722 (7,500 families, over 2.5 percent of the Estonian population, half of them women, over 6,000 children under the age of 16, and 4,300 men) were sent to Siberia during three days. Slightly more than 10 percent were men of working age.

How rich are the Baltic states?


Country GDP total (PPP) GDP total (nominal)
Estonia $50 billion $33 billion
Latvia $64 billion $37 billion
Lithuania $107 billion $56 billion

What are the three Baltic states?

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are the three Baltic States. These three Baltic nations were united with the Soviet Union during 1940s. Though, currently the three Baltic States are separate nations in the European Continent , they maintain a good relation among themselves.

What countries are in the Baltic region?

There are three countries in the region known as the Baltic States. They are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. However, the Baltic Sea borders many more countries, such as Finland, Russia, Sweden and Poland. There are three countries in the region known as the Baltic States.

Is Russia a Baltic country?

Russians in the Baltic states describes self-identifying ethnic Russians and other primary Russian-speaking communities in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, commonly referred to collectively as the Baltic states.

What are Baltic republics?

The Baltic states , also known as the Baltic countries, Baltic republics, Baltic nations or simply the Baltics ( Estonian : Balti riigid, Baltimaad, Latvian: Baltijas valstis, Lithuanian: Baltijos valstybės ), is a geopolitical term, typically used to group the three sovereign states in Northern Europe on…