How long is the hike to Pisac ruins?

about two hours
The hike goes straight up to the top and takes about two hours; it’s a good way to prepare for some of the longer treks you can do in the Andes. If you chose to hike up from the town, you’ll either have to hike all the way back down or take a taxi back from the other side of the mountain where the ruins end.

How do you get to Pisac ruins?

Taxi + Walk | If you aren’t fit, then this is the sensible option; it’s also the most popular way to reach the ruins. Once your colectivo has dropped you off and you cross the bridge into Pisac, you will find a group of taxi drivers who run tourists up the road for 15 minutes to the back of the ruins for around S/.

What was Pisac used for?

Pisac is a town of Cusco famous for hosting the Inca archaeological site of the same name. Its ruins attract thousands of visitors who travel the tour through the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It is recognized for its platform system and its carved stone enclosures.

Is Ollantaytambo worth visiting?

It’s not as well known as the spectacular ancient city of Machu Picchu, but nonetheless worth visiting for those who want to learn more about the Inca Empire. The ruins, perched atop of nearby hills, give silent testimony of once advanced and highly organized civilization.

What is sold at the Pisac market?

The villagers surrounding Pisac come from miles around to sell their products – vegetables, fruits, cheeses, handmade alpaca products, colorful dyes – or barter with other villagers for the things they need.

When was Pisac built?

The modern town of Písac was built in the valley below the ruins of the Inca complex by Viceroy Toledo during the 1570s.

Can children climb Machu Picchu?

Outside of some of the suggestions already in this post, there are a few other things that are useful to know about visiting Machu Picchu with kids. Kids of all ages are welcome at Machu Picchu, but it is probably most suitable for children 6 years and up (lots of walking/lots of talking). Children under 8 are free.