How far should you throw a grenade?

Author Kingsley Browne in his book entitled Co-ed Combat: The New Evidence That Women Shouldn’t Fight the Nation’s War raised the issue of grenade throwing. Browne said many women have trouble throwing a grenade 25 meters, a necessary distance given the average blast radius is 15 meters.

How far is the blast radius of a grenade?

Steel fragments (not to be confused with shrapnel) are provided by the grenade body and produce an injury radius of 15 metres (49 ft), with a fatality radius of 5 metres (16 ft), though some fragments can disperse as far out as 250 metres (820 ft).

How far is hand grenade range?

The fragmentation hand grenade has a lethal radius of 5 meters and can produce casualties up to 15 meters, dispersing fragments as far away as 230 meters. Learn more about Hand Grenade Training.

How much steel can a grenade penetrate?

The rounds can penetrate three inches of steel and have a kill radius of nearly 50 feet. The canister began its journey at Blount Island, a U.S. Marine Corps depot in Jacksonville, Florida.

How far do you have to throw a grenade in basic training?

They are taught the proper arming and throwing technique and to rock back and throw the hand grenade up and out more than 30 meters. Once they release the device, which has three safety features, they immediately go down on their knee.

Why do you throw a grenade with a straight arm?

You need to lob it up and over and then drop straight down into an enemy position such as a trench or shell scrape. The straight arm action, if the grenade is released at the right point creates this type of flight path.

How many seconds before a grenade goes off?

From pulling the pin and throwing a grenade, it usually takes anywhere between two to six seconds before detonation occurs.

Can you legally own a grenade?

Hand grenades are regulated under the National Firearms Act (“NFA”), a federal law first passed in 1934 and amended by the Crime Control Act of 1968. The 1968 amendments made it illegal to possess “destructive devices,” which includes grenades.

Can 40mm grenade penetrate armor?

40×74.5mm is a cartridge caliber produced in Romania for their AGA-40 Model 85 automatic grenade launcher. It features a casing with a high–low system. A high-explosive dual-purpose grenade capable of penetrating 50 mm (2.0 in) of steel armor.

How heavy is a grenade in pounds?

Learn about this topic in these articles: Such grenades usually weigh no more than 2 pounds (0.9 kg).

What do soldiers say when throwing a grenade?

FRAG OUT! The grenade is a fragmentation grenade, because when it blows up it throws fragments through the air, hence the term “FRAG OUT.” This phrase is yelled loud for all others in the unit to hear. Once you throw the grenade, hit the deck.

How far can the average soldier throw a hand grenade?

So one must learn to cover as fast as hell, once the grenade is thrown. The shrapnels can reach as far as 20 meters from the blast point, if it is a deffensive grenade. If is an offensive grenade the blast may kill you within a 7 meters radius from the blast point. So throw and cover.

Why do you have to throw grenades in training?

In training, throwing positions are used for uniformity and control, and to familiarize Soldiers with the proper manner of throwing grenades in combat if the situation allows a choice.

What’s the bursting radius of a hand grenade?

The grenade has a bursting radius of 35 meters. All friendly personnel within this 35-meter area should be in a covered position to avoid being struck by burning particles. The WP filler burns for about 60 seconds at a temperature of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit.