How does XPath find attribute value?

8 Answers

  1. Use: /*/book[1]/title/@lang.
  2. This means: Select the lang attribute of the title element that is a child of the first book child of the top element of the XML document.
  3. To get just the string value of this attribute use the standard XPath function string() : string(/*/book[1]/title/@lang)

What is attribute in XPath?

This attribute can be easily retrieved and checked by using the @attribute-name of the element. Attribute can be used to compared using operators. @rollno = 493 − get the text value of attribute “rollno” and compare with a value.

How do I find the XPath expression?

An XPath expression generally defines a pattern in order to select a set of nodes….XPath – Expression.

S.No. Expression & Description
1 node-name Select all nodes with the given name “nodename”
2 / Selection starts from the root node
3 // Selection starts from the current node that match the selection
4 . Selects the current node

What are XPath expressions?

An XPath expression is a mechanism for navigating through and selecting nodes from the document. An XPath expression is, in a way, analogous to an SQL query used to select records from a database.

How do you write XPath expressions?

6 Ways to Write Dynamic XPath in Selenium: A Tutorial

  1. Basic XPath. XPath expression selects nodes or lists of nodes on the basis of attributes like ID, name, classname, etc.
  2. Contains() Contains() is a method used in an XPath expression.
  3. Using OR & AND.
  4. Starts-With Function.
  5. Text()
  6. Using Index:

How do you write an XPath expression?

Types of XPath Locators. XPath Examples. 6 Ways to Write Dynamic XPath in Selenium….Syntax for XPath

  1. // : Select current node.
  2. Tagname: Tagname of the particular node.
  3. @: Select attribute.
  4. Attribute: Attribute name of the node.
  5. Value: Value of the attribute.

What is an atomic value in XPath?

An atomic value is a value in or an instance in the value space of an atomic type defined by XML Schema. Atomic values are consists of strings, integers, decimals, dates, etc. and these values are known as atomic because it cannot be subdivided.