How does the law protect copyright rights within Malaysia?

Protection of Copyrights in Malaysia Copyrights provide the creator of literary, musical, or artistic work with the exclusive rights to such a work. Copyright laws also protect any related organisation by safeguarding its revenue-earning assets which are derived from any work which could be copyrighted.

What can be copyrighted in Malaysia?

Section 7(1) of the Copyright Act 1987 provides that works eligible to be protected for copyright are literary works, musical works, artistic works, films, sound recordings, and broadcasts.

Is there fair use in Malaysia?

Malaysia essentially practices a fair dealing system, whereby certain usage for specified purposes is tolerated. Incrementally, these exceptions grew to extend to fair dealing for review and typographical use of a copyright work in 1990.

What is the law of copyright?

28.4 Copyright protects the form of expression of ideas, rather than the ideas, information or concepts expressed. The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (Copyright Act) regulates copyright in Australia in relation to original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, and subject matter other than works.

How do I claim copyright in Malaysia?

Copyright owners can claim ownership by way of a Statutory Declaration or by filing a Voluntary Notification at the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).

How much does copyright cost in Malaysia?

The typical official fees for a voluntary copyright notification in Malaysia start from RM 155, which is approximately EUR 35. Additional costs will depend on the professional charges of the legal service providers.

What are the punishment for copyright?

Any individual or business that infringes copyright can face legal action. Infringement is usually treated as civil offence but can, in certain circumstances, be deemed a criminal offence, with damages awarded by a court. Depending on the severity of the infringement, the result can be a fine or even imprisonment.

How do I copyright in Malaysia?

How much is the copyright fee in Malaysia?

The typical official fees for a voluntary copyright notification in Malaysia start from RM 155, which is approximately EUR 35.

How do I copyright my name in Malaysia?

You need to file an application at the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) by filling up Form TM5. The form can be found at . You can also apply online at The application fees is RM370.

What does it mean to be copyrighted in Malaysia?

Copyright may also subsist in works made by or under the direction or control of the Malaysian Government and prescribed international organisations. Originality in copyright means that the work must have originated from the author and some effort must have gone into the creation of the work.

Which is the largest database of Malaysian law?

The Digital Library provides online platforms where users can access and drill-down digitised content into useful information for their professional needs. is Malaysia’s largest database of court judgments and legislation, streamlined in a powerful, yet user-friendly engine for busy legal professionals like yourself.

What are the industrial design laws in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, the protection of industrial designs is governed by the Industrial Designs Act 1996 and the Industrial Designs Regulations 1999 (“ID Act”).

Is there such a thing as a database in Malaysia?

Under Malaysian legislation and case law, there is no definition as to what a “database” or “database right” constitutes, nor is there any specific case law which addresses the extent of protection afforded to databases.