How does reverse proxy work in Barracuda firewall?

Reverse proxy deployments accept traffic on the virtual IP address and proxy the traffic to the back-end server network behind the Barracuda Web Application Firewall. Reverse proxy options include:

Can a barracuda firewall be deployed in Bridge path?

In a Bridge-Path deployment, the WAN and LAN interfaces must be on physically separate networks and the LAN interface must be on the same logical switch as the servers. The following table describes the advantages and considerations of deploying your Barracuda Web Application Firewall in Bridge mode.

Is the Barracuda web application firewall built on OpenAPI?

The Barracuda Web Application Firewall’s REST API is built on OpenAPI specifications, making it easy to create automation scripts, and the official GitHub page has code samples for popular platforms and use cases.

What does WAF control center do for Barracuda?

WAF Control Center provides a central point of control for all your Barracuda WAF deployments. it simplifies management, helps ensure up-to-date policies, and provides the tools necessary to deliver ongoing security for your applications wherever they reside.

What can I do with Barracuda Network Appliance?

Comprehensive multi-location network firewall, SSL VPN and web security gateway in one appliance. Block spam, viruses and email-borne threats. Monitor email content, filter inbound/outbound emails and prevent sensitive business data leaks. Manage your bandwidth by filtering content that is inappropriate or harmful to network performance.

What can one arm proxy deployment be used for?

One-Arm Proxy deployment allows the retention of alternate paths to access the servers. For example, this deployment configuration can be used to load balance HTTP/HTTPS traffic at the application layer, while letting SMTP and other traffic go directly to the server.