How does corruption affect a country?

Corruption affects us all It threatens sustainable economic development, ethical values and justice; it destabilises our society and endangers the rule of law. Delays in infrastructure development, poor building quality and layers of additional costs are all consequences of corruption.

Why poverty is a social problem in Pakistan?

According to the ADB report, poverty is spreading in Pakistan due to the rising population, Pakistan’s internal situation, agriculture backwardness, unequal income distribution, defiance expenditure, and increase in utility charges and rise in unproductive activities.

Why poverty rate is high in Pakistan?

Environmental problems in Pakistan, such as erosion, use of agro-chemicals, deforestation etc. contribute to rising poverty in Pakistan. Increasing pollution contributes to increasing risk of toxicity, and poor industrial standards in the country contribute to rising pollution.

How many people live below the poverty line in Pakistan?

Of all 114 countries for which the World Bank measures poverty indices, Pakistan was amongst the top 15 that showed the largest annual average percentage point decline between 2000 and 2015. Despite this, by 2015, around 50 million people still lived below the national poverty line. Since then, the pace of poverty reduction has slowed down.

How did covid-19 affect the economy of Pakistan?

Prior to COVID-19, Pakistan’s economy was already struggling with a fiscal crisis and undergoing an IMF-sponsored macroeconomic stabilisation programme. With one of the lowest human development indicators around, the government estimates that 56.6% of the population has now become socio-economically vulnerable due to COVID-19.

When did Pakistan make significant progress in poverty eradication?

Over the past two decades, Pakistan has made significant progress in fighting poverty, reducing it by more than half since 2000.

Which is the largest social protection programme in Pakistan?

This is a new overarching programme launched in 2019, built on the framework developed under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). BISP is one of South Asia’s largest cash transfer programmes and Pakistan’s flagship social protection initiative.