How do you write a school profile for homeschooling?

The School Profile Checklist for Homeschoolers

  1. Name of School.
  2. Name of Student.
  3. Common App ID# or Application ID#
  4. Address.
  5. Counselor Name.
  6. Counselor Contact Info.
  7. History.
  8. Philosophy.

Does the Air Force Academy accept homeschoolers?

Homeschoolers. Homeschooled students are as competitive for appointment to the United States Air Force Academy as any other applicant and must meet the same standards as students coming from traditional school settings.

How do you write a school profile?

What should a school profile contain?

  1. demographic information.
  2. curriculum and/or special requirements.
  3. grade point average (GPA) calculation (if relevant)
  4. class rank calculation.
  5. extra-curricular activities offered.
  6. university outcomes.

What is a school profile in common application?

What Is a School Profile? For example, The Common Application offers its definition of a school profile as a document that “provides summary information about the school’s student body, curricular offerings, and grading system” and it links to the College Board’s sample of a generic high school profile.

How do homeschoolers fill out the Common App?

Have your Student Invite you as Counselor from THEIR Account In the Education Section, the applicant must select “Homeschooled” as their current secondary school; this is located at the bottom of the drop-box or it can be found by typing “homeschooled” in the “High School Name” field.

Can you join the military if you are homeschooled?

yes, homeschoolers are accepted into any branch of the military! In 2012 and 2014, Congress amended the National Defense Authorization Act, which makes it clear homeschoolers may enlist in the military just like any graduate from a public or private school.

Can a homeschooler join ROTC?

Homeschoolers are eligible to compete for ROTC scholarships. If your student is interested in ROTC start your research as early in high school as possible. Three ROTC Options. There are options for students considering ROTC: Army, Air Force, and Navy.

How do I write a school student profile?

Additional Information required

  1. Date of Birth.
  2. Full name as seen on passport or ID card.
  3. Desired locations of school.
  4. Type of school.
  5. Entry Year and start date.
  6. Student’s Personal Statement (this can be copied and pasted into their profile)
  7. Interests and Hobbies.
  8. Student’s strengths and weaknesses.