How do you write a press release for a movie?

The Format Great lead paragraph answering who, what, when, where, why and how. Quote from someone attached to the movie (Producer, director, lead actor, writer) More paragraphs expanding on the points raised in the lead. End with a paragraph blurb about the production company, producer, or company publishing the …

How do you announce a movie premiere?

(Name of the director) comes the (Name of the movie with a short one-line description).

  1. The upcoming (discussion about the theme of the film and the location of the launch).
  2. (Name of the film) will premiere (day, date, time and location of the screening).

Can you include a video in a press release?

Adding a video to your press release allows you more ways to track reader interactions with and interest in your press release story.

WHO releases a press release?

PR professionals send reporters press releases to propose possible story ideas. A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of a journalist or publication.

What is a film press kit?

Press kit is an image booklet of your film, which contains detailed information about the project. The form and content of the press kit are similar to the presentation. Its main task is to draw attention to the film and to acquaint with the project as many professionals and viewers as possible.

How do you write a press release for an actor?

Tips for Writing a Good Press Release

  1. Use your custom style sheets and industry-standard style guides.
  2. Keep it simple.
  3. Be brief, be positive, be specific.
  4. Don’t repeat.
  5. Don’t mention spirituality unless it has a direct connection with your show.
  6. Don’t use psychobabble.

Do movie premieres have after parties?

After the premiere, an after party (see below) is usually held at a nearby location. Generally, not everyone who is invited to the movie premiere is invited to the after party. If you are invited, you will usually be given a special pass that you will need in order to enter the party. 4.

Should I include images in a press release?

Conclusion. At the very least, you should always include a high-res image of your logo in your press release. If possible, add relevant and high-quality images, that grab attention and add value to your news story.

How do you make a video news release?

Tips for a successful Video News Release:

  1. Don’t “over-edit” the footage.
  2. Don’t cover everything with your logo or branding.
  3. Include the questions with interviews to provide context.
  4. Include background audio on general footage (but make sure no one is saying anything unsuitable).

What exactly is a press release?

A press release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, creating an official statement, or making an announcement directed for public release. Press releases are also considered a primary source, meaning they are original informants for information.

What should be in a film press kit?

Press kit is an image booklet of your film, which contains detailed information about the project. It has an important role in the promotion, but ironically it is often overlooked by novice directors….

  • Title page.
  • Synopsis.
  • Film crew.
  • 10 Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Photos.
  • Reviews on your movie.
  • Technical information.

What should be included in a press release for a movie?

Commonly, a press release for a movie has the following major elements: Company name and contact info of press release agency. Date of PR publication (this can either be for immediate release or for a specified date) Press release title.

What is the purpose of a press release?

Strictly speaking, press releases are pseudo news articles that aim to showcase the newsworthiness of an event, service or product—a film in this case—to a decision maker in media such as a reporter or an editor.

What happens if you write a bad press release?

At their worst, badly written or deployed press releases can create negative publicity for a movie, which often results to a major dent in its box office revenues. Poorly crafted press releases can also damage the PR agency’s reputation and—knock on wood—ruin your credential as a press release writer.

Why is public relations important for a movie?

Raindance, an international organization of filmmakers, has recognized the importance of marketing and public relations to a film’s success, clearly stating that a movie—even one that has bagged major cinematic awards—is worthless without a viewing audience.