How do you use adamant in a sentence?

Adamant sentence example

  1. He became adamant on this point.
  2. The doctors had been absolutely adamant that she wasn’t going to get better.
  3. John seemed pretty adamant he wasn’t in love with her, proclaiming it loudly to anyone who would listen.
  4. She was adamant that people should know what they are consuming.

What is the example of adamant?

The definition of adamant is someone who will never change his mind, or something that will never be changed. A person who will not compromise is an example of an adamant person. An unchanging belief that God exists is an example of an adamant belief.

What is another word for adamantly?

What is another word for adamantly?

up and down staunchly
firmly obdurately
obstinately persistently
pertinaciously resolvedly
stolidly stubbornly

What does very adamant mean?

The Meaning and History of Adamant A person who is adamant about something has formed an opinion or taken a position that is not going to change because the person is determined to keep that opinion or position. The noun adamant comes from a Latin word meaning “material of extreme hardness, diamond.”

How do you use addled in a sentence?

Addled sentence example When he lifted his head, her thoughts were too addled for her to focus on anything more than the sensations of the body against hers. Her senses addled , Deidre was forced to retreat. I should have known better, but by this time hunger and weariness had so addled my brain that I took his advice.

What is a adamant person?

Is adamant a strong word?

If you’re adamant that something be done (or not be done), you insist that it be (or not be) so. The adjective dates to the early 1800s but it comes from a much older—and now much less common—noun. An adamant is an imaginary stone of impenetrable hardness.

What is another synonym for adamant?

uncompromising, stubborn, resolute, determined, intransigent, insistent, rigid, firm, immovable, set, pat, stiff, tough, fixed, hard-nosed, inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, relentless, unbending.

What is adamant synonym?

Frequently Asked Questions About adamant The words inflexible and obdurate are common synonyms of adamant. While all three words mean “unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose,” adamant implies utter immovability in the face of all temptation or entreaty.

What does adamant mean in the dictionary?

adjective. utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgings, etc. too hard to cut, break, or pierce.

How do you use addled?

Addled sentence example

  1. When he lifted his head, her thoughts were too addled for her to focus on anything more than the sensations of the body against hers.
  2. Her senses addled , Deidre was forced to retreat.
  3. I should have known better, but by this time hunger and weariness had so addled my brain that I took his advice.

What does it mean when someone is adamant about something?

A person who is adamant about something has formed an opinion or taken a position that is not going to change because the person is determined to keep that opinion or position. If you’re adamant about a decision you’ve made, no one can convince you that it was a mistake.

What does it mean to be adamant about a decision?

The Meaning and History of Adamant A person who is adamant about something has formed an opinion or taken a position that is not going to change because the person is determined to keep that opinion or position. If you’re adamant about a decision you’ve made, no one can convince you that it was a mistake.

Which is more adamant Barbara Bry or adamant?

I was adamant about staying active as much as my body could endure. Barbara Bry, his opponent in the race, also a Democrat, was more adamant. FDA regulators are adamant that a vaccine will not be approved until it is demonstrated to be safe and effective.

What does inflexible, obdurate, and adamant mean?

inflexible, obdurate, adamant mean unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose. inflexible implies rigid adherence or even slavish conformity to principle. inflexible in their demands obdurate stresses hardness of heart and insensitivity to appeals for mercy or the influence of divine grace.