How do you stretch the infraspinatus?

Hold a stick or other long object behind your back, with the affected arm only lightly holding on to one end. Pull the stick to the side so your affected arm is stretched across your back. This shouldn’t hurt. Hold for 30 seconds, then release.

How do you stretch the teres minor and infraspinatus?

Hold a stick behind your back with one hand, and lightly grasp the other end of the stick with your other hand. Pull the stick horizontally as shown so that your shoulder is passively stretched to the point of feeling a pull without pain. Hold for 30 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

How do you exercise your infraspinatus muscle?

Previous studies have reported that prone external rotation with horizontal abduction (PER), side-lying wiper exercise (SWE), and standing external rotation (STER) were effective exercises for strengthening the infraspinatus.

How do you stretch the posterior deltoid?

What is a posterior deltoid stretch?

  1. Relax your shoulders.
  2. Reach one arm across your body, using your other arm or wrist to hold it gently by your upper arm.
  3. Slowly begin to pull your arm toward your chest, as far as possible, allowing the stretch to reach deep into the back of your shoulder.

Are there any exercises to relieve infraspinatus pain?

Release Exercises for the Infraspinatus Take a lacrosse ball or tennis ball, whichever level of firmness you can tolerate, and press the ball between your Infraspinatus muscles and a wall, or other solid structure. 00:00 00:56

Is the infraspinatus part of the rotator cuff?

The infraspinatus is one of the 4 muscles of the Rotator Cuff of the shoulder joint together with 3 other muscles [ Supraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis ]. Infraspinatus muscle lies deep to Trapezius muscle, Deltoid, and even Latissimus dorsi and covers the majority of the posterior surface of Scapula [ almost 70 percent ].

How to increase the mobilization of the infraspinatus muscle?

Amplify the exercise by moving your shoulder into internal rotation and external rotation. Shoulder rotation lengthens and shortens the infraspinatus muscle under the ball, accentuating the mobilization. Working into mild to moderate discomfort produces the best results. It should not feel like an obscure form of medieval torture!

How to know if you have infraspinatus pain?

Symptoms of Infraspinatus Pain 1 Pain deep in the shoulder joint 2 Pain radiating into the neck, upper back, and down into biceps and fingers 3 Inability to raise the arm above your head because of stiffness, weakness, or numbness 4 Discomfort when sleeping or laying on your side