How do you stop water hammer in steam pipes?

The most important way to prevent water hammer is to remove the water from the steam lines before passing the steam again through them. Water is removed from the steam lines using drain connections. All the water should be drained out to make the lines clear.

Why hammering occurs in steam line?

Steam hammering is the phenomenon which occurs in steam charging in the pipeline while there is a presence of condensate in the line. This is because of sudden drop in pressure of steam as it comes in contact of condensate. Poor condensate drainage in pipeline leads to this steam hammering.

Can steam cause water hammer?

Water Hammer caused by the sudden condensation of steam When steam loses its heat, it turns into condensate, whose specific volume is more than 1000 times smaller than that of steam. So when steam comes into contact with colder condensate and condenses, its volume is instantly reduced to next to nothing.

How do you reduce water hammer?

They can include the following:

  1. Remove the cause of the hammer.
  2. Reduce the pumping velocity.
  3. Make the pipe stronger.
  4. Slow down valves, or use ones with better discharge characteristics in the pipe system.
  5. Use surge tanks.
  6. Use surge alleviators.
  7. Use pump flywheels.
  8. Use pressure relief valves.

What is the main cause of water hammer?

Water hammer is usually caused in high pressure (e.g. mains pressure) water systems either when a tap is turned off quickly, or by fast-acting solenoid valves, which suddenly stop the water moving through the pipes and sets up a shock wave through the water, causing the pipes to vibrate and ‘shudder’.

Where does the water hammer occur?

At home, a water hammer may occur when a dishwasher, washing machine or toilet shuts off water flow. The result may be heard as a loud bang, repetitive banging (as the shock wave travels back and forth in the plumbing system), or as some shuddering.

What is the cause of water hammer?

What are the causes of water hammer?

What Causes Water Hammer

  • Loose Pipes. If pipes are not secured correctly, then even the mildest shockwave can create loud bangs.
  • New Kitchen Appliances.
  • Worn Stop Valves.
  • Clogged Air Chambers.
  • Water Ripples from the Tank.
  • Fast-acting valves.
  • Secure Any Loose Pipes.
  • Wrap Pipes in Foam Insulation.

What causes water hammer in a hot water heating system?

A water hammer occurs when a water valve is suddenly shut off. All the water that was running then crashes into the valve, shaking your pipes, creating the knocking noise you hear. In some cases, water hammer can be violent enough to shake the pipes loose of their joints and cause leaks.

When does water hammer occur in a steam system?

Water hammer can occur in any steam or condensate line. The steam system is greatly at risk of water hammer during startup of the steam system when the highest level of condensate is generated during the warm up of the steam line.

What causes water hammer in condensate transport piping?

Unlike water hammer resulting from backflow, steam and condensate do not flow in opposite directions to cause water hammer. In this case the problem is caused by the formation of large ‘pockets of steam’. Just like water hammer caused by backflow, water hammer impacts may occur far away or upstream from the convergence point of transport piping.

What causes a water hammer in a valve?

The 2 most common causes of water hammers are from fast closing valves or from slugs which form during 2 phase flow. Water hammer is a pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid (usually a liquid but sometimes also a gas) in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly.

Why does a water hammer make a noise?

A water hammer commonly occurs when a valve closes suddenly at the end of a piping system. The occurrence of a water hammer can be detected by the noise it makes. As the water is forced to stop suddenly, there is a sudden rise in pressure as the water is suddenly stopped at the site of the sudden valve closure.