How do you practice trills in thirds?

  1. Start with the first two 16ths.
  2. Try practicing smaller groups of notes in spurts.
  3. Practice just the top voice of the thirds and bottom notes on their own, but with the correct fingerings.
  4. Try out different fingerings.
  5. Make sure your fingers are close to the keys.

How fast should I trill?

Apparently pianists and non-pianists have the same range and apparently that number cannot be improved. That means that the fastest trill should be twice as fast as your tapping frequency. If you can’t trill as fast as that, then do what you suggested for no more than a minute a day.

How do you play trills in Chopin?

It is well known that Chopin considered the trill to commence on the upper auxiliary. And when the trill is preceded by a little note identic to the principal one, then the trill must commence on the same note and not on the upper auxiliary.

What is 3rds piano?

Thirds are when two notes are played together a third apart. Before learning starts, make sure you are happy with your chosen fingering, and write it into the score. This is especially important when negotiating thirds or any double note pattern.

How do you play a trill on the piano?

Hold onto one finger of the trill and play the other finger (a repeated note) from the escapement, without lifting the key all the way back up to the top between the repetitions. It will feel like you are at the bottom of the key; there won’t be any gap in sound between the repeated notes because you are effectively tying one note to the next.

How to play lightning fast trills on piano?

You also want the key to barely get to the top before you push it down again to play the next note in the trill. Those are the three essential pieces of playing lightning-fast trills on piano. Want more lessons and strategies?

Do you need curved fingers to play trills?

For the second part of the form you want your fingers to be straighter than normal. A lot of piano teachers teach curved fingers because most piano players starting out have completely flat fingers. However, when you do trills, you don’t want your fingers completely flat or very curved – you want them slightly curved.

What’s the best way to build up the trill?

You can also build up the trill in increasing groups. Start off with the smallest cell of three notes, then increase to five, seven, and so on. The fast notes should be up to speed; you may pause on the long notes as long as necessary to check you are loose and free before playing the group.