How do you plant weigela FL Variegata?

A sun to part shade lover, this plant is best grown in moist, well-drained soils. Plant as a specimen or in small groups. Perfect for shrub borders or foundation plantings. Responds well to hard renovative pruning.

Is Weigela Florida Variegata Evergreen?

Weigela Hedge Weigela ‘Florida Variegata’ Weigela is a flowering deciduous shrub that is popular for its masses of vibrant pink flowers that bloom in spring, lasting into the summer months, as well as its striking cream and mid-green foliage. It’s a highly prolific flowerer, making Weigela a truly show-stopping hedge.

How big does a weigela florida Bush get?

Height/Spread: Arching, upright, mounding or spreading habit; size varies from 12 inches tall and 18 inches wide, up to 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide.

Does weigela grow fast?

Modern-day Weigela hybrids and cultivars are hardy, fast-growing and very easy to propagate and grow. In fact, it does quite well in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 10. Interestingly most people use the botanical plant name Weigela also as its common name weigela.

Do weigela lose their leaves in winter?

Because a weigela has no leaves in winter, its stems are susceptible to a problem called sun scald, which happens when sun heats up the bark on bright but cold days, stimulating activity in the stem that can be followed by tissue damage when the sun goes down and the stem is chilled.

How fast does Weigela grow?

24″ per year
Growth rate is moderate: 12–24″ per year depending upon conditions. CULTURE: Grow Weigela in full sun to partial shade and average garden soil with good drainage. Space 24–30″ apart. Fertilize just once, in early spring, with 5-10-5 or 5-10-10.

Which is the best Weigela?

Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ is one of the best variegated weigelas available. It’s smaller and more compact than the species, with dense cream and green leaves, and prolific rose-pink blooms. Perfect for a warm sunny site, it works well with a variety of herbaceous perennials and other shrubs.

Does weigela grow in Florida?

Weigela florida Growing and Care Guide Grows well in zones 4 to 8 (hardy to zone 5).

When to plant Weigela florida variegata in Florida?

An excellent landscape choice, Weigela ‘Florida Variegata’ is a compact deciduous shrub noted for its handsome variegated foliage and pink flowers. Emerging in early spring, narrowly ovate, mid-green leaves line the gracefully arching branches. They are adorned with creamy-white edges which gradually mature to soft pale yellow.

What kind of plant is Weigela florida my Monet?

Weigela florida My Monet® is a dwarf, compact, deciduous shrub of rounded habit, noted for its handsome variegated foliage and pink flowers. Emerging in spring, narrowly ovate, sage green leaves line the gracefully arching branches. They are adorned with creamy-white edges, some pink flushing, all with a fine pink ribbon along their edges.

When to prune old fashioned Weigela in Florida?

When mature, older interior branches can be removed in late winter to improve the plants vigor and blooms the following year. This plant blooms on old wood, therefore, pruning is best done just after flowering as flowers appear on last seasons wood.

What kind of foliage does a Weigela have?

Foliage Type: New growth is soft medium green, broadly edged with creamy white. Leaves are oval, toothed. Mature color is dark green in the center with lime green margins. Pruning: Prune to shape or to remove dead and broken branches. After flowering. Pruning Time: After flowering. Soil Requirement: Well-drained, average soil. Not too dry.