How do you make a numbered list in HTML?

To create ordered list in HTML, use the


. Ordered list starts with the

    tag. The list item starts with the

  1. tag and will be marked as numbers, lowercase letters uppercase letters, roman letters, etc.

Can you put a list in a table HTML?

With HTML, you can easily add HTML tag inside a table. The tag should open and close inside the


tag or even a list tag i.e.


How do you create a table and list in HTML?

HTML has some tags used to create a table. These tags are table tag and end of table tag, tr tag and end of tr tag and td and end of td tag….

  1. ol tag and end of ol tag are used to create one ordered list.
  2. By default numbering starts from 1.
  3. li denotes “list item”.
  4. li tag and end of li tag specify the items in the list.

How do you add bullets to a table in HTML?

To create a bulleted list, use the unordered list tags

    and list item

  • tags as shown in the example below.

    How do you add items to a list in HTML?

    1. Unordered HTML List. An unordered list starts with the
        tag. Each list item starts with the

      • tag.
      • Ordered HTML List. An ordered list starts with the
          tag. Each list item starts with the

        1. tag.
        2. HTML Description Lists. HTML also supports description lists.

        What is list HTML?

        HTML Lists are used to specify lists of information. All lists may contain one or more list elements. There are three different types of HTML lists: Ordered List or Numbered List (ol) Unordered List or Bulleted List (ul)

        What is the HTML tag for a numbered list?



        element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.

        How to create a numbered or bulleted list?

        Position the cursor where you want to insert the number list.

      • Either click the number button (as shown at the beginning of the document) or click Format and then “Bullets and Numbering…”
      • When ready to insert a bullet list in the numbered list,press the numbering button or click Format and then “Bullets and Numbering…”

      What is HTML tag for an unordered list?

      Definition and Usage. The tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list. Use the tag together with the tag to create unordered lists.

    2. Browser Support
    3. Global Attributes. The tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.
    4. Event Attributes. The tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML.
    5. More Examples
    6. Related Pages
    7. Default CSS Settings
    8. Which tag in HTML is used for bulleted list?

      Bullet Point Lists (or Unordered Lists) Unordered List – the Tag. Bullet point lists are also known as unordered lists (UL) because there is no numbering involved. The type Attribute. The type attribute determines what kind of bullet you are seeing on the page. List Items – the Tag. Each individual item in your list is wrapped in its own tag pair.