How do you declare a variable in smath studio?

Create a variable by typing, b1=40+60 ,and press Enter You end up with… Because the variable b1 had not been previously defined the program assumed that you wished to define it and inserted a colon before the equal sign.

How do you write subscript in smath?

To subscript a function/var after the name,type . [dot], type the subscript.

How do I change units in smath?

From the menu “Tools” > “Options…” you can change the units language. The unit localization changes the way in which is written the unit of measurement.

How do you subscript in SMath?

What are symbolic variables?

A symbolic variable is a string of characters that you define as a symbol. Because the variable is a symbol, you can assign different values to it at different times. This process is called symbolic substitution.

How do you write text in smath?

Ctrl+B – to make text bold. Ctrl+I – to make text italic. Ctrl+U – to make text underlined.

How do I save a smath as a PDF?

As easy to create PDF in Smath as it is in Mathcad….In Smath:

  1. Print.
  2. in the print menu, scroll for “ScanSoft PDF Create”
  3. in the print menu “Print to file”
  4. document name/location [by user]
  5. read from Adobe XI.

How do you subscript in smath?

How do you use units in smath?

To insert a unit, press the apostrophe (‘) and then digit the unit name; the placeholder shape will change and the dynamic assistance box can help you showing the built-in units (mouse pointer double-click or press the TAB key to insert the selected unit in the formula).

What is variable called symbolic variable?

A symbolic variable is a string of characters that you define as a symbol. Because the variable is a symbol, you can assign different values to it at different times. By assigning different values, you can do the same processing with different data. This process is called symbolic substitution.

What is symbolic expression?

Noun. symbolic expression (plural symbolic expressions) (computing) A means of representing semistructured data in human-readable text form, mostly composed of symbols and lists and extensively used in the Lisp programming language.

What’s the difference between a Smath file and a page?

The work area on the interface is technically called a page, but you will also find it referred to as a worksheet. An SMath file holds one page. The File and Edit menu items contain the controls one expects in such menu items in a Windows environment. File has Save, SaveAs, Print, etc while Edit has Cut, Copy and Paste, etc.

When to use × or × in Smath?

Similarly, one can see the multiplication operator × but most users will type *. In either case, SMath converts the operator to a middle dot, as in area:= width length. To assign a value to a variable or to define it in terms of other variables the definition/assignment operator := is used.

Where can I find the official Smath site?

The official SMath site is At the top of the page you will find links to a forum where questions can be asked and answered, and to a Wiki which gives access to tutorials, example, and helpful documents. Here is a good way to do a Google search: polyroots site:

What are the keyboard shortcuts in Smath suite?

The File and Edit menu items contain the controls one expects in such menu items in a Windows environment. File has Save, SaveAs, Print, etc while Edit has Cut, Copy and Paste, etc. All the normal keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+S for Save, Ctrl+C for Copy) work in SMath.