How do you count words in UNIX?

How to find the total count of a word / string in a file?

  1. Using the grep command: $ grep -o ‘Unix’ file | wc -l 4.
  2. tr command: $ tr -s ” ” “\n” < file | grep -c Unix 4.
  3. awk solution: $ awk ‘/Unix/{x++}END{print x}’ RS=” ” file 4.
  4. Perl solution: $ perl -ne ‘$x+=s/Unix//g;END{print “$x\n”}’ file 4.
  5. Another Perl solution:

What is LS wc command?

To count all files and folders present in directory: As we all know ls command in unix is used to display all the files and folders present in the directory, when it is piped with wc command with -l option it display count of all files and folders present in current directory.

What does wc command do in UNIX?

The wc command in UNIX is a command line utility for printing newline, word and byte counts for files. It can return the number of lines in a file, the number of characters in a file and the number of words in a file. It can also be combine with pipes for general counting operations.

How do you count words in Linux?

The most easiest way to count the number of lines, words, and characters in text file is to use the Linux command “wc” in terminal. The command “wc” basically means “word count” and with different optional parameters one can use it to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a text file.

How do I count specific words in Linux?

Using grep -c alone will count the number of lines that contain the matching word instead of the number of total matches. The -o option is what tells grep to output each match in a unique line and then wc -l tells wc to count the number of lines. This is how the total number of matching words is deduced.

How do you count words in bash?


  1. Create a variable to store the file path.
  2. Use wc –lines command to count the number of lines.
  3. Use wc –word command to count the number of words.
  4. Print the both number of lines and the number of words using the echo command.

How do I count words in a document?


  1. Open a file in read mode using file pointer.
  2. Read a line from file.
  3. Split the line into words and store it in an array.
  4. Iterate through the array, increment count by 1 for each word.
  5. Repeat all these steps till all the lines from the files has been read.

Which command is used to count the number of words in a file?

wc command
Use the wc command to count the number of lines, words, and bytes in the files specified by the File parameter. If a file is not specified for the File parameter, standard input is used. The command writes the results to standard output and keeps a total count for all named files.

How do I find a word in a text file Linux?

Grep is a Linux / Unix command-line tool used to search for a string of characters in a specified file. The text search pattern is called a regular expression. When it finds a match, it prints the line with the result. The grep command is handy when searching through large log files.

How do you search in Unix?

Use the Unix find command to search for files. To use the find command, at the Unix prompt, enter: find . -name “pattern” -print. Replace “pattern” with a filename or matching expression, such as “*.txt”.

What is wc command in Unix?

wc (short for word count) is a command in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. The program reads either standard input or a list of files and generates one or more of the following statistics: newline count, word count, and byte count.

What is a regular file on Unix?

Ordinary or Regular Files A large majority of the files found on UNIX and Linux systems are ordinary files. Ordinary files contain ASCII (human-readable) text, executable program binaries, program data, and more. Directories A directory is a binary file used to track and locate other files and directories.

What are examples of Unix?

Oracle Solaris. Solaris is a UNIX based operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems with roots in the BSD operating system and AT System V.

  • Darwin. Darwin is an open-source Unix operating system derived from NeXTSTEP,BSD,Mach,and other free software projects.
  • IBM AIX.
  • HP-UX.
  • FreeBSD.
  • NetBSD.
  • Microsoft/SCO Xenix.
  • TRU64 UNIX.