How do you check which config file Apache is using?

On most systems if you installed Apache with a package manager, or it came preinstalled, the Apache configuration file is located in one of these locations:

  1. /etc/apache2/httpd. conf.
  2. /etc/apache2/apache2. conf.
  3. /etc/httpd/httpd. conf.
  4. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd. conf.

Where do I find Apache configuration?

All the configuration files for Apache are located in /etc/httpd/conf and /etc/httpd/conf. d . The data for websites you’ll run with Apache is located in /var/www by default, but you can change that if you want.

What do we check while configuring the server?

  1. 1 – User Configuration. The very first thing you’re going to want to do, if it wasn’t part of your OS setup, is change the root password.
  2. 2 – Network Configuration.
  3. 3 – Package Management.
  4. 4 – Update Installation and Configuration.
  5. 5 – NTP Configuration.
  6. 6 – Firewalls and iptables.
  7. 7 – Securing SSH.
  8. 8 – Daemon Configuration.

How do I troubleshoot Apache?

Troubleshooting tips for Apache

  1. Verify your Apache HTTP Server configuration.
  2. Use the latest version of Apache HTTP Server.
  3. Apache HTTP Server logs.
  4. Use the mod_log_forensic module.
  5. Use the mod_whatkilledus module.
  6. Check third-party modules.
  7. Run Apache HTTP Server as a single process and use debugging tools.

How to check the version of Apache?

In WHM’s left menu,locate the Server Status section and click on Apache Status . You can begin typing ” Apache ” in the search menu to

  • The current Apache version will be displayed next to Server Version on the Apache Status page. In this case,it’s version 2.4.16.
  • How do I install Apache on Ubuntu?

    Steps to Install and Configure Apache Web Server in Ubuntu Step 1: To install Apache using the Terminal, open up the Terminal using “Ctrl + Alt + T”. Step 2: Enter the password of your Ubuntu Machine, and after this, you may see a statement that an “additional space is required”, to proceed further write “y” to say yes.

    Where is Apache configuration located?

    The location of the Apache configuration file. On most systems if you installed Apache with a package manager, or it came preinstalled, the Apache configuration file is located in one of these locations: If you installed Apache from source it is likely located in /usr/local or /opt, though the config files may have been moved to /etc as usual.

    What is the Apache configuration file?

    Apache is configured by placing directives in plain text configuration files. The main configuration file is usually called httpd.conf. The location of this file is set at compile-time, but may be overridden with the -f command line flag.