How do you care for a lilac tree UK?


  1. Feed with blood, fish and bone – Fourth week of April.
  2. Remove flower buds on newly planted lilacs – First week of May.
  3. Remove fading flowers to prevent them setting seed – Last week of May.
  4. Prune lilacs to improve flowering in later years – As soon as the flowers fade.

How do you prune a lilac tree UK?

Trimming lilacs is best accomplished using clippers. Remove spent blooms all the way to the stems to prevent seeding and encourage more blooms later on. Cut back about a third of the branches. Cut away shoots growing near the ground that may be sprouting from the main trunk.

When can you cut back lilac bushes?

When To Prune As a general rule for all lilacs, they should be pruned immediately after they’re done flowering in the spring. Since lilacs set next year’s flower buds right after the current year’s flowers have faded, pruning later in the summer or fall will result in cutting off many or all of next year’s flowers.

Does a lilac bush need sun or shade?

Here’s the first rule of planting: lilacs need lots of space to grow. If you’re planting a hedge, they’ll need a spot at least seven to eight feet wide and ten feet wide for a shrub. They also need at least six hours of sun a day to have excellent flowering. Provide a well-drained, alkaline soil.

Should I cut off dead lilac flowers?

Removing the dead flowers from your lilac bush will encourage more blooms the following year. The important thing when trimming off your flowers is that you simply cut off the spent flowers—don’t worry about any surrounding stems. To deadhead lilacs, simply snip the dead flower, leaving the stem and leaves in place.

Should you prune lilac trees?

When to lightly prune Prune in late winter or early spring. Deciduous azaleas and lilac (Syringa) should be pruned immediately after flowering.

Is there a difference between a lilac tree and a lilac bush?

Shrub lilacs and bush lilacs are short and compact. Tree lilacs can grow up to 25 feet (7.6 m.) high and have a tree-like appearance, but their many stems tend to get them classified as bushes. They are not technically trees, but they get big enough that you can treat them as if they are.

Should you Deadhead lilacs?

Deadheading – removing spent flowers to promote new blooming – is an important component of caring for lilacs. You should deadhead lilacs as soon as they are done blooming, which will allow the plants to develop strong, healthy buds that will flower with vigor the following year.

How do I care for a lilac bush?

Choose an area with plenty of afternoon sun and well-drained soil. Since lilacs prefer good drainage, planting lilac bushes in slightly elevated areas is recommended whenever possible. Following planting lilac bushes, water them thoroughly and add a layer of loose mulch.

Is Miracle Grow good for lilacs?

Lilacs grow best in slightly alkaline (6.5 to 7.0 pH), moist, well-drained soil. Adding bone meal to the soil can make it more alkaline. If you choose to feed your plant in the spring, you can use Miracle-Gro® Shake ‘n Feed® Flowering Trees & Shrubs Plant Food. Lastly, Lilac plants do not like acidic soil.

When do lilac trees flower in the UK?

The lilac care calendar below is based on the most commonly found type of lilac in the UK, Syringa vulgaris, but it is also correct for many other species of lilacs including Syringa myeri. Some lilacs flower two weeks earlier, including Syringa x hyacinthiflora varieties and these are often referred to as early flowering lilacs.

What kind of care do lilac bushes need?

Since lilacs are considered low-maintenance shrubs, the general care of lilac bushes is minimal, with exception to regular pruning. Although lilacs tolerate a range of soil types, they prefer well-drained, humus-rich soil.

When to remove buds from a lilac tree?

If you planted a new lilac tree in the previous year then in its first year, before it flowers, remove all the forming flower buds. This will help the plant establish a good root system early on ready for better flower production in later years. Lilacs have no special requirements for planting compared to most other hardy shrubs.

When do lilac bushes bloom in New York?

Common lilac bushes ( Syringa vulgaris) are deciduous shrubs that bloom in late spring. ‘Wedgewood Blue’ is an example of a cultivar of this plant. Syringa is a member of the olive family, along with other such ornamental plants as ash trees, forsythia shrubs, and privet shrubs. The outstanding quality of many lilacs is the smell of their flowers.