How do you blockquote on Tumblr?

Highlight the text you want to make into a block quote, and then click the Block Quote icon resembling a vertical line with an arrow. Tumblr indents the text to the right. Remove text from the block quote by highlighting the text and clicking the same icon.

How do you add blockquote on Tumblr mobile?

BLOCKQUOTE. To put your text in a blockquote (or indentation) just put one > in front of the line you want in the blockquote! The blockquote will extend until you press Enter twice (meaning it’ll put the whole line in blockquote).

How do I make text smaller on Tumblr?

Type “”at the beginning of the text you want to make smaller, and type “” at the end of the selected text to close the tag.

What is HTML blockquote?

The HTML element indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the element.

How do you use HTML on Tumblr mobile?

The mobile apps only support the Rich text editor. If you’d prefer to create and edit posts in HTML or Markdown, just click the settings gear in the upper-right corner of the post form. You can switch between HTML, Rich text, and Markdown editing in the menu that shows up.

How do you do bold on Tumblr?

Begin by typing your desired comments in the “Post” box, then highlight the text to which you want to apply special formatting. Using the toolbar directly above the entry field, click the “Bold” icon — which looks like a capital “B” — to apply a bold stroke to the text.

How do I change the font size on my Tumblr blog?

  1. Log in to your Tumblr blog.
  2. Click the “Settings” button, click “Dashboard”, and then click the link for the blog on which you want to change font size.
  3. Click the “Customize” button in the Theme section.
  4. Click the “Edit HTML” button.
  5. Scroll through the HTML code until you find the styles section beneath the line “<!–</li>

How do I display blockquote in HTML?

The Browser usually displays the content within tag as indented text. If you want to insert a long quote then use and for short or inline quote use tag….Following are some specifications about the tag.

Display Block
Usage Semantic/textual

How do you blockquote?

Here’s how:

  1. Hit enter before the first word of the quote, and after the last word of the quote.
  2. Highlight the text.
  3. Right click and select paragraph.
  4. Under indent change left to . 5″

What’s the best way to block a quote?

Avoid relying on block quotes from academic sources to explain ideas or make your points for you. In general, quotes should be used as sparingly as possible, as your own voice should be dominant. When you use another author’s ideas or refer to previous research, it’s often better to paraphrase.

When do you comment after a block quote?

In most styles, including APA and MLA, the parenthetical citation comes after the period at the end of a block quote. A paragraph should never end with a block quote. Directly after the quote, you need to comment on it in your own words. Depending on the purpose of the block quote, your comment might involve:

What kind of stuff can you put on Tumblr?

Tumblr is so easy to use that it’s hard to explain. We made it really, really simple for people to make a blog and put whatever they want on it. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.

When to use a block quote in MLA format?

No quotation marks are used. You have to use a block quote when quoting more than around 40 words from a source. In APA and MLA styles, you indent block quotes 0.5 inches from the left, and add an in-text citation after the period.