How do I start apache as root user?

2 Answers

  1. Create a shell script that does what you want.
  2. In a terminal window, execute the command sudo vi /etc/sudoers and insert the following line at the end of the file (important to be at end so the other commands do not override): ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /localstore/

How do I change user in apache?

Steps to change Apache user and group:

  1. Open Apache’s configuration file using your preferred text editor.
  2. Find User and Group directives in Apache’s configuration file.
  3. Set the value to existing user and group that you want Apache process to run as.

How do I change httpd user?

Here are the steps to change Apache user and group.

  1. Open Apache Configuration File.
  2. Update User & Group.
  3. Change file ownership.
  4. Restart Apache Server.
  5. Test the changes.

Can apache run as root?

Yes, apache(HTTPD) run as root regardless you can set a specific user/group for each website along with the default user that will be used with the base of it.

How do I install apache as non root user?

1 Answer

  1. Download source.
  2. Decompress it.
  3. cd to httpd source directory.
  4. ./configure –prefix=/home/youruser/httpd -otheroptionshere.
  5. make install.

Why does apache run as root?

Apache Httpd starts off as a process run by root to be able to listen to ports < 1024 (80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS). Normal users can’t do that. In addition, some configuration files are only readable by root, during the launch process.

How do I start apache without root?

Method 1: Sudo privileges

  1. Provide the non-root account sudo privileges to start the service. For example test user wants to start Apache service.
  2. Add the following configuration to /etc/sudoers file. In case your user is different, replace the test user with the user account name of your choice.

How do I start Apache without root?

How do I install Apache as non root user?

How do I run Apache as a different user?

How to run apache as an alternate user

  1. export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data. export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data.
  2. export APACHE_RUN_USER=nim. export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=nim.
  3. sudo chown -R nim /var/www/html/* sudo chgrp -R nim /var/www/html/*
  4. sudo chown -R nim /n/media. sudo chgrp -R nim /n/media.

How can I tell what user Apache is running as?

Look in your httpd. conf for the “User” directive. It will tell you what user apache will run as.

How do I run apache as non root user?

How to change the root directory of an Apache?

However, naturally, the original /var/www needs to be deleted – or renamed. If someone has installed LAMP in the /opt folder, then the /etc/apache2 folder is not what you are looking for. Look for httpd.conf file in folder /opt/lampp/etc. Change the line in this folder and save it from the terminal.

How to change Apache user and group directive?

Open Apache ‘s configuration file using your preferred text editor. Find User and Group directives in Apache ‘s configuration file. Set the value to existing user and group that you want Apache process to run as.

Why is Apache default user and group different?

This is for security reasons as even an exploit to a poorly written PHP or Perl script will not escalate and cause much harm to the system. Default user and group for Apache process in different distribution is normally different.

Where do I change the DocumentRoot setting in Apache2?

You need to change the DocumentRoot setting in your httpd.conf file. Chances are it will be under something like /etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf. Use your favourite editor (I recommend Vim) and look for the DocumentRoot and change it to /users/spencer/projects.