How do I run an iMacros?

To start the iMacros Browser, select the program from the Start Menu, double-click the icon on your desktop, or run the program “imacros.exe”. To become familiar with iMacros run the “FillForm” demo macro that is automatically installed. This demonstrates the basic features of iMacros in a straightforward way.

How do you automate a browser task?

Apply Automation to Common Website Actions

  1. Launch the web application.
  2. Enter username in the username field.
  3. Enter password in the password field.
  4. Click the sign in button.
  5. Navigate to the reports section.
  6. Enter the current date in the date field.
  7. Wait for results of all reports to display.

What is better than iMacros?

The best alternative is UI. Vision RPA, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like iMacros are AutoIt (Free), Selenium (Free, Open Source), WinAutomation (Paid) and Appium (Free, Open Source).

How much is iMacros?

Unchanged: iMacros Component ($ 2995.00 USD) – No changes to our latest iMacros product. You have the choice to use the embedded component or the stand-alone iMacros software and browser APIs. Note: Allows unlimited, royalty free distribution to anyone (outside your company, web downloads, etc.).

How do I automate tasks in Google Chrome?

How to Automate Chrome

  1. Download and install a free trial of Automate.
  2. Select the Web Browser Action to Open the browser page.
  3. Enter the URL of the page that you want to open.
  4. Select the Set Value action using the ‘Click’ button to select the field where you want to enter text.

How do you record a browser action?

How to record your browser window in Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Install the Openvid Chrome extension.
  3. Create an account at
  4. Open the website you want to record.
  5. Select the Openvid extension: It will turn red.
  6. Select the circle in the lower left of the browser to turn on your webcam.

How do I automate a repetitive task in Chrome?

How do I automate a task in Chrome?

Automate Tasks in Chrome using iMacros for Chrome

  1. Perform the actions you want to record and when done, click “Stop” and save the macro with the .
  2. Switch to the “Play” tab, select the file you saved on the top section and then click “Play Macro” to repeat the actions automatically.

Is iMacros for chrome free?

iMacros is available as a free browser add-on for Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. They are free to use for non-commercial use.

How do I extract data from iMacros?

To define an EXTRACT command proceed as follows:

  1. Whilst in record mode, open the Text Extraction Wizard (“Text” button on the Rec tab).
  2. In the browser window or frame select the text that you want to extract.
  3. Choose what type of extraction you want to perform on that element, like TXT, HTM, HREF, ALT, TXTALL, or TITLE.

What kind of automation can I do with iMacros?

Many tasks you can automate using iMacros require multiple or regular executions, like filling in an online form with many datasets or regularly downloading a status report. iMacros has several features to support this kind of automation: Not all iMacros editions support all features.

Where do I find iMacros on my computer?

The iMacros extension is available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. After installing it, you’ll find an iMacros icon on your browser toolbar. This icon opens the iMacros sidebar.

How does iMacros control the behaviour of the browser?

The iMacros Browser (iMacros.exe) and the iMacros Sidebar for IE (iMacros.Sidebar.exe) support several Command Line Interface that control the behaviour of the browser. Also, the browser can be called from batch files. Batch files are very simple programs that allow some structures the iMacro macro language does not support directly.

How is iMacros used to autofill CSV forms?

Use the scripting interface to autofill web site forms from CSV data with a single click. Civica is using iMacros to provide scripting capability for Web-scraping rapidly changing data, such as currency conversion rates from a Web site or banking data available only through secure Internet portals.