How do I get Local 52?

Applicants with 800 + MPIPHP hours OR 3,000 hours or more over 5 years working in an approved equipment rental house, within the past 7 years will be scheduled for the Local 52 Electric Exam, as space permits.

How do I join Iatse New York?

To get on the Organizational List requires that you must earn at least $35,000 per year for three consecutive years in employment with employers who have collective bargaining agreements with Local One. While it can seem daunting, the vast majority of our current members have gained membership in this manner.

What are union grips?

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
U.S. grips typically belong to the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).

Is there a union for producers?

The Producers Guild of America is a non-profit trade organization that represents, protects and promotes the interests of all members of the producing team in film, television and new media.

How do you join the Editors Guild?


  1. Work Experience. Editors must demonstrate 175 days of non-union work experience within the last three years, prior to the date of application.
  2. Get Your Paperwork in Order. Get your paperwork in order for CSATF.
  3. Submit Paperwork to CSATF.
  4. Attend an Orientation Meeting.
  5. Initiation & Processing Fees.

Who can join IATSE?

You must be of good moral character and reputation. You must have been a resident within the jurisdiction of the Local for at least 18 months immediately preceding the application. IATSE Local 481’s jurisdiction covers Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Why is it called best boy?

Legend has it they were called ‘best boys’ because, back in the day, the people rigging up lighting, electricity or cameras would yell out for a bit of assistance by asking someone to send them ‘their best boy’. As in, the best qualified person from their team for the job at hand.

What is the best boy do?

A best boy is the first assistant to the grip crew or the lighting department and fills a number of roles on a television or film set. While the gaffer and key grips work closely with the director of photography (cinematographer), the best boys take care of everything topside to ensure a seamless production.

How do I join the producers union?

Requirements for Membership

  1. Enough qualifying producing credits within last 7 years for feature films.
  2. Enough qualifying producing credits within last 5 years for other formats.
  3. Receipt of the PGA Producers Mark (“p.g.a”) on 2 or more feature films with qualifying distribution (automatic qualification)

What does PGA stand for after a producer’s name?

When “p.g.a.,” known as the Producers’ Mark, shows up after a producer’s name in credits, it signifies that the producer so designated actually did the work of producing the movie onscreen.

How do I join the Editor’s Union?

What are the different jobs in local 52?

A: Local 52 is divided into the following seven “crafts” that perform different functions on a production: Property, Grip, Electric, Shop Craft, Sound, Video, and Allied/Medic. Follow the links below to see job descriptions for the various jobs we do, organized by craft: Q.

What does ASEA / AFSCME Local 52 do in Alaska?

ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 achieves dignity and respect in the workplace for more than 8,000 state and municipal employees across Alaska through collective bargaining and advocacy relating to wages, benefits, and working conditions. Committee members serve an essential role in union operation, oversight, and representation.

What kind of discrimination does local 52 tolerate?

I.A.T.S.E., Local 52 (“Local 52”) will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against its members or applicants for membership with regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected category covered by law.

How long is the local 52 electric Class?

LOCAL 52 ELECTRIC CLASSES will take place over 8 weeks –– 2 classes per week a lecture and a practical. The cost for these 16 days of classes is included in the $1,000 application fee. LOCAL 52 ELECTRIC EXAM: The exam consists of a Practical and a Written Exam.