How do I get a free email list for marketing?

Best free email marketing services in a nutshell

  1. Sendinblue (
  2. Mailchimp (
  3. MailerLite (
  4. Benchmark (
  5. Omnisend (
  6. Sender (

How do I get an email list for marketing?

15 Ways To Build An Email List

  1. Use Forms.
  2. Use Lead Generation Offers.
  3. Simply Ask People For Their Email Address.
  4. Offer Freebies.
  5. Use Social Media.
  6. Create Free Bonus Content That Is Worth Paying For.
  7. Add A Signup Button To Your Facebook Business Page.
  8. Create A Blog & Offer A Subscription.

Is selling email lists illegal?

The United States does not have a law that specifically forbids selling email lists. It does have a law regulating spam, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. If you sell an email list to someone you know is using it for spam, you might be guilty of conspiracy.

Can I email market to anyone?

With email marketing, you can reach out to anyone in the world and offer your product or service in the global market. Remember: The laws of their country will apply to the emails you send. These are the international laws you should look out for: United States: CAN-SPAM Act.

How do I create an email list?

The 8 best ways to build an email list from scratch

  1. Enticing content upgrades.
  2. Exit intent pop-ups.
  3. Fully or partially gated content.
  4. Squeeze pages.
  5. Loyalty and referral programs.
  6. Discounts and deals.
  7. Exclusive notifications.
  8. Social media.

How do I grow my email list?

How To Grow Your Email List Using Email

  1. Create unique email content.
  2. Encourage subscribers to share and forward your emails.
  3. Segment your email lists by buyer persona.
  4. Reinvigorate a stale email list with an opt-in campaign.
  5. Add an opt-in link to your employees’ signatures.
  6. Create a new lead-generation offer.