How do I fix a burnt taste in my vape?


  1. Take your new coil and apply 3-4 drops of your e-liquid directly to the wick.
  2. Set aside and wait for roughly 10 minutes.
  3. Screw the coil on to your device.
  4. Fill your tank with your chosen e-liquid and screw it on to your vape.

Why does my vape taste burnt all of a sudden?

It tastes burnt because the wick inside your atomizer coil has dried out and burned up when it was heated. The wick is the part of your vaporizer that soaks up the eliquid from the tank. If the wick is not fully saturated with eliquid when you take a puff, this material can char and leave a foul taste in your mouth.

Why does my atomizer taste burnt?

Burnt hits are the result of powering an atomizer when there is no liquid or not enough on the wicks. Without liquid to vaporize, the coils start burning the wick, and the user essentially inhales burnt cotton.

Why does my vape taste burnt but the coil isn’t burnt?

This is because the coil gets too hot and vaporises or evaporates the eliquid too fast. If you’ve been vaping at a particularly high wattage and have started to experience a burnt taste when you vape, it might be because you’re pushing your coil too far and it’s getting burnt out.

Is it okay to vape with burnt coils?

Depending on how bad the coil is burnt, you could end up choking or vomiting immediately. Depending on what kind of coil you are using they can produce some particles that stick to the vapor and end up ingested by the user when they are burned dry. Some have an allergy to these particles being created.

Is it possible to fix a burnt coil?

If you find yourself with a burnt coil, then one of the first things you can do before giving up and ordering a new one is simply to remove the element and put it in a small bowl of warm water. This will loosen up any e-juice that’s become stuck to it. After a few minutes, pour out the warm water and add cold water.