How do I find point clouds in Revit?

Switch to the South elevation view and select the point cloud. Next, click Move in the contextual ribbon, and then move the point cloud vertically so that the bottom aligns with Level 1. Be aware that Revit will snap to the points in the point cloud and will find an alignment line at the bottom.

How do I create a point cloud model in Revit?

Insert an indexed point cloud file into a Revit project or convert a raw format point cloud file to the . rcp and . rcs indexed formats….Insert a Point Cloud File

  1. Open the Revit project.
  2. Click Insert tab Link panel (Point Cloud).
  3. Specify the file or files to link, as follows:
  4. For Positioning, select:

How do I view my point clouds?

Open FME Data Inspector, and in the top left corner, click on Open. In the Select Dataset to View dialog, select Point Cloud XYZ as the Format, and then for Dataset, browse to the XYZ.

What is a point cloud in Revit?

A Point cloud is a set of data points in some coordinate system defined by X, Y and Z values that represent the surface of an object. Point Cloud is the data type resulting from a 3D laser scanner used to measure dimensions of space in 3D.

How do you scale point clouds in Revit?

Yes; if you highlight the Point Cloud > Properties Palette > Edit Type > Scale.

What is point cloud format?

Common point cloud binary formats include FLS (Faro), PCD (point cloud library), and LAS. E57 store data in both binary and ASCII, pulling many of the benefits of both together in a single file type. Each line of text within an ASCII file represents a laser return record as (x, y, z) spatial coordinates.

How do I process point cloud data?

Point clouds are most commonly generated using 3D laser scanners and LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology and techniques. Here, each point represents a single laser scan measurement. These scans are then stitched together, creating a complete capture of a scene, using a process called ‘registration’.

How do you scale a point cloud in Autocad?


  1. On the command line type POINTCLOUDATTACH.
  2. Insert the point cloud to desired location.
  3. On the command line type UNITS.
  4. In the section that says ‘Insertion Scale’ Change to ‘Inches’ and for ‘Length: Type’ select ‘Architectural’.
  5. Press ‘Ok’ to close dialogue box.
  6. Select the point cloud.

How do I collect data from point cloud?

In most cases, point clouds are obtained by visible access to real objects. This means that simply to cover all scanning positions takes time. Aligning laser scans taken from all these scanning positions can also be a problem.

How do I create a point cloud?

To Create Point Cloud Objects

  1. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, right-click Point Cloud Create Point Cloud.
  2. On the Information page of the Create Point Cloud wizard, enter the required information about the new point cloud object.