How do I find a donor for a stem cell transplant?

If you do not have a donor in your family, your doctor can search for a marrow donor or cord blood unit. The registry of the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program, also called the Be The Match Registry®, is a listing of potential marrow donors and donated cord blood units.

Can I meet my stem cell donor?

In many countries, donors and patients can meet in person after this waiting period if both agree. Unfortunately, some countries prohibit contact. Whether you would like to make contact is and remains your own personal decision. In most countries you can write to “your” patient from the day of your stem cell donation.

Is it hard to find a stem cell donor?

Only about 3 out of every 10 people can find a matched related donor . And it can take a long time to find a matched unrelated donor if no related donor is available.

How do you find a match for stem cells?

Stem cell matches are determined according to DNA markers called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) which are known to be important when matching a patient to a donor. These antigens are found on the surface of white blood cells and are inherited from our parents. The best potential HLA match is from a sibling.

Can you know who your donor is?

Donors and patients may have anonymous contact during the first year after transplant, depending on confidentiality policies of the transplant center. In most cases, this is possible if both the donor and patient consent to have their personal contact information shared.

Who can donate bone marrow or stem cells?

In the cases of both bone marrow and blood stem cell donation, the donor cells can be retrieved at a local hospital or blood donor room and shipped to where they are needed. The donor and recipient may live in different states, or even in different countries.

What is the age limit for a stem cell donor?

Healthy adults ages 18 to 60 can donate stem cells. Children may be donors for themselves or a brother or sister. In some cases, people who are older than 60 can donate. If you wish to be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type.

What are the donor requirements for stem cell?

Stem cell donor requirements also include freedom from a number of blood-based diseases, including diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, as well as cancer and heart conditions. There are also height and weight restrictions to ensure safety during surgical operations.

What is the process of donating stem cells?

Nearly 90% of people donate their stem cells in a process called peripheral blood stem cell collection. The process involves having a course of injections prior to collection to stimulate the bone marrow and increase the number of stem cells and white blood cells in the blood.