How do I change the background color in UIButton?

Just place a UIView over the UIButton, with an identical frame and auto resize mask, set the alpha to 0.3, and set the background to a color.

How do I change the opacity of UIButton in Swift?

“change opacity of button clicked swift” Code Answer’s

  1. @IBAction func keyPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
  2. // sets opacity to half – you can change the opacity by editing “0.5”
  3. sender. alpha = 0.5.
  4. /*
  5. Code should execute after 0.2 second delay.
  6. You can change delay by editing 0.2.
  7. */
  8. DispatchQueue. main.

How do you change the background color on Storyboarder?

Select the View. Go to inspector (right panel, 4th item) Change the background color field (section view)

How do you subclass UIButton?

4 Answers

  1. Create your UIButton subclass with a custom initializer.
  2. Create your UIButton subclass with a convenience initializer.
  3. Create your UIButton subclass with init(frame: CGRect) initializer.
  4. Create your UIButton subclass with init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) initializer.

How do I change the background color in Xcode?

1 Answer

  1. Choose Xcode > Preferences and click Fonts & Colors.
  2. Click either Source Editor or Console near the top of the preferences window.
  3. Select a theme in the left column.
  4. Select a syntax category in the detail area.

How do I change the color of a button in Swift?

backgroundColor = UIColor. grayColor() with button. backgroundColor = UIColor(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) , replacing “CGFloat” with the values you choose. Your condition is that if the button is grey, it should become blue on tap and if it is blue, then it should become gray on tap.

How do I make the background transparent in Swift?

If you want just transparent background set view’s backgroundColor proprty to a color that has alpha component smaller than 1. This works for me in xcode 8.2. It may helps you.

How do I make a transparent background in SwiftUI?

Any SwiftUI view can be partially or wholly transparent using the opacity() modifier. This accepts a value between 0 (completely invisible) and 1 (fully opaque), just like the alpha property of UIView in UIKit.

How do I change the background color on my view controller?

Find the view or view controller you want to change the background color of. Open it up in the interface builder and open the Attributes Inspector. Find the background color field and set it to the color you want.

Should you subclass UIButton?

Don’t subclass UIKit controls (e.g. UIButton , UILabel , UITextField and UISlider ). UIKit is built on composition, and this fact is reflected throughout its API. When you subclass a UIKit control, you’re forced to make assumptions about the internals of that control and how it behaves.

How do I create a subclass in Xcode?

From the Xcode menu bar, choose Editor > Create NSManagedObject Subclass. Select your data model, then the appropriate entity, and choose where to save the files. Xcode places both a class and a properties file into your project.

What are the different states of the UIButton?

A UIButton can be in many states: default, selected, highlighted, or disabled. There are also many items on a UIButton that you can customize for the different states. For instance, you can change the title, font, text color, shadow color, image, and background image, but not the background color. For some reason, Apple decided not to include it.

Can you change the background color of a button in iOS 7?

For instance, you can change the title, font, text color, shadow color, image, and background image, but not the background color. For some reason, Apple decided not to include it. iOS 7 notoriously broke away from skeuomorphism and introduced buttons that had no background color.

Is there an extension for the UIButton in Swift?

The eighth item in my Swift Tool Belt is an extension for UIButton. This extension adds a bit of functionality that is sorely missing from UIButton, giving you the ability to set the background color for different button states. A UIButton can be in many states: default, selected, highlighted, or disabled.