How do I apply for the Carson scholarship?

To submit your online application, all sections must be complete. A complete application includes submission of a report card and teacher recommendation. *Note: we will accept recommendation letters until 8:00 pm ET on January 21, 2022. However, you must request a recommendation prior to submitting the application.

What is Carson Scholar recognition?

Carson Scholar Recognition is an elite honor that affirms the prestigious status of Carson Scholars in their pursuit of academic and career goals.

How many Carson Scholars are there?

3,500 Carson Scholars
More than 3,500 Carson Scholars have been recognized for their academic and humanitarian achievements in multiple years. Scholarship winners have attended more than 780 colleges and universities, and have received more than $7.6 million in scholarship funds to help finance their education.

What is the Carson Foundation?

The Carson Foundation was founded in July 2008. Since then we have held numerous fundraising events that helps us provide funding and support to individuals with special needs. The Carson Foundation is a local charity helping local families with very low administration cost.

What is the Carson Award?

Carson Scholarships are awarded to students in grades 4-11 who exemplify academic excellence and humanitarian qualities. Winners receive a $1,000 scholarship to go towards their college education.

How many students win the Carson Scholarship?

This year, the Carson Scholars Fund awarded 477 scholarships to students across the nation.

How tall is Johnny Carson?

1.79 m
Johnny Carson/Height

Did Rachel Carson receive any awards or honors?

National Book Award for Nonfiction
Presidential Medal of FreedomGuggenheim Fellowship for Natural Sciences, US & Canada
Rachel Carson/Awards

How Rachel Carson change the world?

Marine biologist and writer Rachel Carson is hailed as one of the most important conservationists in history and is recognized as the mother of modern environmentalism. She challenged the use of man-made chemicals, and her research led to the nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides.

Can a past Carson scholar apply for the scholarship?

Current and past Carson Scholars are not eligible to apply. Carson Scholarship applications are submitted online. Finalize your essay and CV and line up your references before beginning the online application process.

Who are the founders of the Carson Scholars Fund?

Learn more about the Carson Scholars Fund. Carson Scholars Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1994 by world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson and his wife, Candy.

Who is Rachel Carson and what did she do?

The program’s namesake, Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964), was a biologist, author, and conservationist who is credited with shining a light on the fragility and interconnectedness of our environment and is still a voice is the global environmental movement to this day. The Carson Scholars Program 2021-2022 Cohort Application window has closed.