How do I access httpd conf?

1Log in to your website with the root user via a terminal and navigate to the configuration files in the folder located at /etc/httpd/ by typing cd /etc/httpd/. Open the httpd. conf file by typing vi httpd. conf.

How do I give permission to httpd?

As your file residing in your Home directory, I would suggest one of following approaches.

  1. Give 0777 permission to file itself. chmod 0777 /home/djameson/test.txt.
  2. Change Ownership to apache user www-data and give owner-write permission.
  3. Add your user to www-data group or vice-verse add www-data user to your group.

How do I fix httpd conf?

Delete the original and run sudo apt-get reinstall httpd . Go back and see if it created a new . conf , if so then it should be fixed….Command used:

  1. vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd. conf.
  2. Updated ServerName to localhost.
  3. service httpd restart.
  4. chkconfig httpd on.
  5. service httpd restart.

Where is the httpd config?

All the configuration files for Apache are located in /etc/httpd/conf and /etc/httpd/conf. d . The data for websites you’ll run with Apache is located in /var/www by default, but you can change that if you want.

How do I fix 13 permissions denied?

The PermissionError: [errno 13] permission denied error occurs when you try to access a file from Python without having the necessary permissions. To fix this error, use the chmod or chown command to change the permissions of the file so that the right user and/or group can access the file.

How do I give permission to user?

chmod o-rwx foldername To change directory permissions for everyone, use “u” for users, “g” for group, “o” for others, and “ugo” or “a” (for all). chmod ugo+rwx foldername to give read, write, and execute to everyone. chmod a=r foldername to give only read permission for everyone.