How did Alex the African GREY parrot died?

Sadly, Alex passed away on September 6, 2007 at the age of 31 of a sudden, unexpected catastrophic event associated with arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). It was either a fatal arrhythmia, heart attack, or stroke, which caused him to die suddenly with no suffering. There was no way to predict his demise.

What did Alex the parrot know?

Listing Alex’s accomplishments in 1999, Pepperberg said he could identify 50 different objects and recognize quantities up to six; that he could distinguish seven colors and five shapes, and understand the concepts of “bigger”, “smaller”, “same”, and “different”, and that he was learning “over” and “under”.

What were Alex the parrots last words?

‘Alex & Me’: The Parrot Who Said ‘I Love You’ When Alex died in September 2007, his last words to Pepperberg were “You be good. I love you.”

What words did Alex the parrot know?

He had been presented with a mirror, and—after observing himself for a moment—he asked, “What color?” He then learned the word “gray”—the color of his feathers—after having it taught to him six times.

Which bird can learn 150 human words?

Most of the research had been done in pigeons, and was not promising. But by using novel methods of teaching, Dr. Pepperberg prompted Alex to learn about 150 words, which he could put into categories, and to count small numbers, as well as colors and shapes.

What is the smartest parrot?

Parrots are smart with Kea parrot being the smartest of them all. These birds are intelligent, talented, and affectionate towards humans. They display logical and analytical abilities from time to time to prove their smartness. Many parrot species are good at learning new things because of their curious personalities.

Why are African GREY parrots so smart?

Parrots are intelligent birds capable of complex cognition, and it turns out that the genes that play a role in their brain development are similar to those that evolved to give humans large brains.

When did Einstein the parrot died?

But last week, Alex, a gray parrot apparently died of natural causes, the doctor said in scientific journals. . The parrot was 31 years old….Alex (parrot)

Deceased September 6, 2007 (aged 31) Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
Famous for Intelligent language

What the most talkative parrot?

The Most Talkative Birds

  • Amazon Parrots. There are many subspecies of the Amazon parrot, with several of them ranking high in speech capability.
  • African Grey Parrots. Both the Congo and Timneh subspecies are known for being super intelligent.
  • Parakeets. Parakeets are very popular pets, and it isn’t hard to see why.

What is the mental age of a parrot?

Parrots have been proven to have the intelligence of a 5-year-old | Nature | News |

How did Alex the parrot learn to talk?

Alex not only learned to mimic repetitive sounds, but he was able to communicate complex thoughts. He had a vocabulary of up to 150 words, was able to identify up to 50 different objects, recognize quantities, and could distinguish between seven different colors and five different shapes.

How old was Alex the parrot when he died?

Alex died unexpectedly on September 6, 2007, at the age of 31—much shorter than the average expected lifespan of a parrot in captivity. The last thing he was known to say was a few parting words during his nightly goodbyes exchanged with Dr. Pepperberg. After she put him in his cage, he said, “You be good, see you tomorrow.

Why was Alex the parrot named after Alex Pepperberg?

Pepperberg named the parrot Alex who is an acronym for avian language experiment or avian learning experiment. She was aiming to test the bird’s intelligence and the experiment lasted for thirty years, until Alex’s death.

How did Irene Pepperberg train Alex the parrot?

Irene Pepperberg used a type of training technique known as the Model/Rival Technique, to prove that Alex was indeed understanding and responding to the questions, rather than responding to the trainer’s behavior. In this technique, Alex watched as Pepperberg took on the role of the trainer, and her assistant took on the roles of the model/rival.