How can I make my mouse a joystick?

Open the main Steam window and head to Settings > Controller > General Controller Settings. Check the box for your controller—PlayStation, Xbox, Switch Pro, or Generic—and you should now be able to move your mouse with the right stick on your controller.

How do I use JoyToKey profiles?

How to use JoyToKey?

  1. Start JoyToKey.
  2. In the right panel, double click “Button 1” row.
  3. Press ‘A’ key and it’ll be assigned to the button, and click “OK”.
  4. Open Notepad. ( NOTE: DO NOT terminate JoyToKey yet.
  5. While the cursor is inside Notepad window, please press “Button 1” on your joystick.

What is Joy2Key?

JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate the keyboard and mouse input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks!

How do I add a profile to JoyToKey?

JoyToKey can automatically switch an active profile based on the current focused application. In order to configure it, go to menu: Settings -> Associate profiles with applications.

What is vJoy virtual joystick?

Virtual joystick driver. vJoy is a device driver bridging the gap between any device that is not a joystick and an application that requires a joystick. However, it comes with a simple interface, allowing users to modify the app’s provided sample code.

Is reWASD free to use?

reWASD is a mapping software used to reassign the keyboard, mouse keys, and controller buttons. The software has a 14-day free trial, a basic lifetime license and some groups of features. During the free trial, all the basic features are available to use.

How do I use map controller on JoyToKey?

Here is the button list mapping for XBox controller:

  1. Stick 1 = left analog stick.
  2. Stick 2 = right analog stick.
  3. POV = dpad.
  4. Button 1 = A.
  5. Button 2 = B.
  6. Button 3 = X.
  7. Button 4 = Y.
  8. Button 5 = LB.

How do you use JoyToKey in Minecraft?

The software is simple to use. To operate, download the software from Microsoft, and then JoyToKey. Then Download the following link and put it in the same folder as the JTK Application. Run the App, leave it open, and you will be Minecrafting on a 360 controller!

What is better than JoyToKey?

The best alternative is Xpadder. It’s not free, so if you’re looking for a free alternative, you could try InputMapper or USBOverdrive. Other great apps like JoyToKey are reWASD (Paid), Pinnacle Game Profiler (Paid), JoyXoff (Free) and AntimicroX (Free, Open Source).

How do I enable vJoy?

Go to the Settings page for the game in Game Hub (the vJoy configure button should be visible). Click the Configure button. Try again.

How do I use vJoy with x360ce?

Try to:

  1. Run x360ce.exe.
  2. Select the [Controller #] tab page corresponding to your additional controller.
  3. Open the [Advanced] tab page.
  4. Set “Combine Into” drop down list value to: One.
  5. Select [Options] tab page.
  6. Check “Enable Combining” check-box.
  7. Click [save] button.
  8. Close x360ce Application, run game.

Is there a free alternative to reWASD?

The best free alternative to reWASD is DS4Windows, which is both free and Open Source. Other interesting free alternatives to reWASD are InputMapper (Free), JoyXoff (Free), jstest-gtk (Free, Open Source) and QJoyPad (Free, Open Source).

What can you do with a joytokey keyboard?

For keyboard emulation, it can be a single keyboard input (e.g. ‘X’ key in the example below), or it can be a combination of multiple keys like Alt+F4, or it can be a special purpose key such as “PRINT SCREEN” key. Similarly, mouse emulation mode will enable you to assign mouse cursor movement, or wheel movement, or left/middle/right click.

Can a joystick be used as a mouse and keyboard?

JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate the keyboard and mouse input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever buttons and sticks are pressed on the controllers, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so…

Is there a free version of joytokey for PC?

JoyToKey is a shareware, but you can download the latest version for free. Try it on your PC to play games which don’t have native controller support with your favorite joysticks and/or use it for general applications to improve efficiency by registering frequently used key shortcuts as a joystick input.

How does joytokey detect newly connected joysticks?

In case JoyToKey program is already running, it’ll send a message to the running instance and forces it to refresh the list of joystick devices. This command line argument can be used for creating a shortcut to detect newly connected joysticks. JoyToKey will be started with the specified profile.