How can I get my sss employee static information?

How to View Your SSS Static Information

  1. Step 1: Open the SSS member portal and login to your SSS online account.
  2. Step 2: Once logged in to My.
  3. Step 3: You can now view your SSS static information under “Member Details.”
  4. Step 4: You can choose to save your SSS static information or print it.

How can I get SSS MDR online?

SSS Online Registration in 5 Steps

  1. Step 1: Go to SSS website to register your account online.
  2. Step 2: Supply all the necessary information as reported to SSS.
  3. Step 3: Check your email for the website email validation sent by
  4. Step 4: Supply all the information on the required field.

How can I update my SSS employee information?

Through the SSS Mobile Application. SSS account. Click My Information and then Update Information. Click Contact Details, select Mobile Number, and then Submit.

How can I create my SSS account?

How to register on the SSS website

  1. Go to the My SSS website (
  2. Click “Not yet registered in My.SSS”
  3. Select one information as reported to SSS.
  4. Enter all information needed.
  5. A notice of registration will be sent to your registered email.
  6. Follow the instructions sent in the email to activate your account.

How can I check my sss static information online?

How to Get your your SSS Static Information from the SSS Website?

  1. Type in your browser.
  2. Login to your SSS Online Account. If you do not have an Online SSS Account, register first.
  3. Click the E-Services > Inquiry.
  4. Click the Tools icon from your browser then click Print or Print Preview.

How do I request a statement of account in SSS?

How to print SSS SOA

  1. Log in to the SSS website.
  2. Once you are redirected to the SSS homepage, hover your mouse to the INQUIRY menu and select LOANS INFO from the list.
  3. Select the applicable type of loan you have by clicking the appropriate tab to view the details.

How can I check my employer contribution in SSS online?

How to Check Your SSS Contributions Online

  1. Step 1: Visit the SSS website. Access the SSS website at
  2. Step 2: Log in to your My. SSS account.
  3. Step 3: Go to the SSS Contribution Inquiry page. Hover your mouse to the Inquiry menu (beside Home and Member Info) and click ‘Contributions’.

How can I update my SSS contribution online?

You simply login to your My. SSS account and change the amount in your payment reference number (PRN). After that, you can pay the amount in your newly generated PRN. Subsequent PRNs will follow your new contribution amount until you eventually change it.

How can I get my SSS account online?

SSS portal.

  1. Go to the official SSS website.
  2. Click the registration link in the SSS Member Login page.
  3. Fill out the SSS Online Member User ID Registration form.
  4. Check your email for the notification from SSS, then click on the activation link.
  5. Create your password.
  6. Proceed to SSS Member Login.

How can I get my SSS employment history?

Step 1: Visit the SSS website at and enter your User ID and password. If you forgot your User ID or password, you can request to have it sent to your email address on file. Step 2: Hover over E-SERVICES, then click Inquiry. You will be redirected to the Employee Static Information page.

How can I print my SSS employee static information?

In order to print the actual premiums and contributions, select the “member info” tab at the top of your home page, then select “actual premiums” from the drop-down menu. In order to print your SSS employment history, select “employment history” from the same drop-down menu as above.

What kind of static information does Social Security use?

What is SSS Static Information. SSS Static Information relies on personal data and employment of SSS members. Such information is composed of the SSS number, the full name of the member, the date of birth and the date of adherence to social security.

Where can I Find my SSS static report?

The first step in obtaining your SSS static report is to have access to the online platform of My Security System. After you make your static information it will appear in a window that you will be able to print, stating all the details of the member.

Where do I Find my SSS employment history?

In order to print your SSS employment history, select “employment history” from the same drop-down menu as above. The name of your employer, your reporting date, SSS ID Number, and employment date will appear on the screen. The print option is found at the bottom of the page.