How can endospores be killed?

While significantly resistant to heat and radiation, endospores can be destroyed by burning or by autoclaving at a temperature exceeding the boiling point of water, 100 °C. Prolonged exposure to ionising radiation, such as x-rays and gamma rays, will also kill most endospores.

How can endospores be killed quizlet?

Endospores can be killed by: dry heat at 170° C for 2 hours.

What agent can destroy bacterial endospores?

However, alkylating agents (e.g. ethylene oxide), and 10% bleach are effective against endospores. Endospores are able to survive boiling at 100°C for hours. Prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation, such as x-rays and gamma rays, will also kill most endospores.

Are all microbicidal agents sterilants?

Microbicidal agents are sterilants. Bacteriostatic agents kill bacterial cells. A microorganism that is not motile and has stopped metabolizing could be considered dead. Pasteurization does not kill endospores or thermoduric microbes.

How can we prevent endospores?

To kill endospores, and therefore sterilize a solution, very long (>6 hours) boiling, or intermittent boiling is required (See Table 1 below). Autoclaving is the most effective and most efficient means of sterilization. All autoclaves operate on a time/temperature relationship.

How can an endospore be a virulence factor?

How can an endospore be a virulence factor? The tough spore coat of the endospores can help it survive in drying conditions, high temperatures, and disinfectants; It can increase its virulence by allowing it to live in numerable conditions.

What is the most effective way to destroy endospores?

Which method kills both the vegetative form and endospores of a microorganism?

Given sufficient time (generally 15-45 minutes), autoclaving is cidal for both vegetative organisms and endospores, and is the most common method of sterilization for materials not damaged by heat. Boiling water (100°C) will generally kill vegetative cells after about 10 minutes of exposure.

Do antiseptics inactivate endospores?

antiseptics used. proteins. Used as skin antiseptic in surgery. Not effective against bacterial endospores.

Are soaps and detergents sterilants?

Soaps and detergents are very effective as sterilants. Of the six methods of controlling growth by physical means; heat, cold, desiccation, radiation, filtration and osmotic pressure, the only method that is capable of complete sterilization is radiation.

Which method of microbial control destroys microorganisms by oxidation of cells quizlet?

Which method of microbial control destroys microorganisms by oxidation of cells? denaturing and coagulating cellular proteins.

Are endospores metabolically inactive?

Certain microorganisms can enter a metabolically inactive state known as an endospore when conditions in the environment become harsh or even uninhabitable. In doing so, the organisms are able to wait in this state until environmental conditions improve, at which point they become active once again.