Does Zilean scale well?
The great thing about zilean is that he scales decently well with most stats. He can use AP items, heal/shield items (as it scales his ult), as well as tanky support items (think locket).
Who works well with Zilean support?
These are champions who work well with Zilean in lane. 68.1% of Zilean’s lane teammates work well with Zilean. These are champions who are decent with Zilean in lane….
Champion | Win Rate | Plays |
Draven | 49.4% | 174 |
Sivir | 49.4% | 168 |
Lucian | 48.9% | 536 |
Kai’Sa | 48.4% | 677 |
Can you make Kai’Sa stronger with zilean?
Essentially Zilean can potentially make all of Kai’Sa’s strengths even stronger. However, this is what you could call a more advanced team up, but keep it in mind as you get better with Zilean. Yasuo has both bulk and strength, so a faster Yasuo can be terrifying.
Is it good to use E on zilean?
Similar to Caitlyn, since Aphelios is very strong on his own and has some good ranged abilities, Zilean doesn’t help him much early on, with the exception of your stun if Aphelios follows up properly. It may be worth using your E to slow enemies more than speeding up Aphelios.
What’s the difference between zilean, Leona, and brand?
Luckily she’s more common in mid than support. Mixing a stun, great damage, and Zilean’s natural squishyness makes Brand a nightmare. Be ready to back off whenever you engage, and use minions as a shield so you don’t get stunned. While Leona has a stun ability, which can be bad for Zilean, she lacks range.
What can you do with Ashe and zilean?
Zilean and Ashe can make for quite the wombo combo, she slows, then you stun, and she unleashes her Q on the stunned enemy, who you should also be able to slow with your E.