Does thalassemia minor affect pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women with thalassemia minor will often show more significant anemia, which is often most prominent during the latter half of the second trimester and early third trimester (4-7).

Can you have a baby with thalassemia?

Can You Get Pregnant With Beta Thalassemia? Yes, but you may need help getting pregnant. Often, women with beta thalassemia will need to use medications to help them ovulate in order to become pregnant. Many health problems caused by beta thalassemia have to do with too much iron in your body.

What is the main preventive measures should be instructed for pregnant woman with minor thalassemia to prevent further complication?

According to recent data, low-dose aspirin, frequently administered to splenectomized β-thalassemia patients, seems to be effective in preventing preeclampsia, preterm birth, and IUGR in high-risk pregnancies without posing a major safety risk to mothers or fetuses.

Does thalassemia minor need treatment?

Mild forms of thalassemia trait don’t need treatment. For moderate to severe thalassemia, treatments might include: Frequent blood transfusions. More severe forms of thalassemia often require frequent blood transfusions, possibly every few weeks.

How is thalassemia treated in pregnancy?

How is thalassemia treated?

  1. Blood transfusions. This is when your child has new blood put into her body.
  2. Iron chelation therapy. Both thalassemia and regular blood transfusions can cause too much iron to build up in the blood.
  3. Folic acid supplements.
  4. Bone marrow transplant.

Can thalassemia be detected during pregnancy?

You and your partner can have carrier screening before or during pregnancy to find out if you have the gene change that causes thalassemia. You can have tests, like amnio and CVS, during pregnancy to see if your baby has thalassemia. Many people with thalassemia lead healthy lives.

What is thalassemia minor in pregnancy?

Thalassemia is a blood condition that can cause health problems for your baby. It’s passed from parents to children through changes in genes. You and your partner can have carrier screening before or during pregnancy to find out if you have the gene change that causes thalassemia.

Can two people with thalassemia minor have a baby?

Thalassaemia minor They are known as ‘carriers’ of the condition. People with thalassaemia minor have mild or no symptoms, but they carry the genetic changes and can pass them on to their children.

Can 2 thalassemia minor get married?

If one is a Thalassaemia Minor one must get the spouse/future spouse also tested. If both partners in a marriage are Thalassaemia Minor, there is a 25% chance in every pregnancy that their child will be a Thalassaemia Major.

What to do if you have beta thalassemia in pregnancy?

In case you are beta-thalassemia minor, your doctor may keep a regular tab on your iron levels in the body. You may be prescribed iron tablets to replenish the body’s iron requirement in pregnancy. In case you are alpha thalassemia minor, you may have a mild or severe case of anaemia.

Do you need blood transfusion for alpha thalassemia minor?

You may be prescribed iron tablets to replenish the body’s iron requirement in pregnancy. In case you are alpha thalassemia minor, you may have a mild or severe case of anaemia. You may require a blood transfusion to ward off anaemia.

Can a unborn baby be affected by thalassemia?

Thalassemia is an inherited disease, therefore if either you or your partner or both have thalassemia; there is a great possibility that your unborn baby may have it too. In case if a single parent is a defective gene carrier, the chances of the unborn baby getting this gene are one in two.

When to take folic acid for beta thalassemia minor?

Your doctor may prescribe you folic acid as it would reduce the risk of your baby getting neural tube defects (spina bifida). The dosage may vary according to your condition. In case you are beta-thalassemia minor, your doctor may keep a regular tab on your iron levels in the body.