Does Pythium produce spores?

The asexual or vegetative stage of Pythium produces chlamydospores (thick walled resting spores), sporangia (that germinate directly to produce a hypha or indirectly to give rise to vesicle outside the sporangium, within which zoospores are formed), and hyphal swellings (spherical sporangia-like structures that do not …

How can Pythium be controlled?

Cultural Control If Pythium root rot is a problem in turfgrass, improve drainage and do not overwater. Increase mowing height as feasible to reduce plant stress. Manage the thatch layer to allow for proper water penetration into the soil. Irrigate as needed according to evapotranspiration rates.

What is Pythium which disease does it cause?

Pythium-induced root rot is a common crop disease. When the organism kills newly emerged or emerging seedlings, it is known as damping off, and is a very common problem in fields and greenhouses.

What is the difference between Pythium and Phytophthora?

The key difference between pythium and phytophthora is that Pythium is a genus of oomycetes that are mostly pathogens of monocotyledons while Phytophthora is a genus of oomycetes that are mostly pathogens of dicotyledons.

In what ways does environment play a role in the germination of these Sporangia?

How may environment play a role in the type of germination of sporangia? Answer: In some species of Oomycetes, cool temperatures and high moisture conditions tend to favor the production of zoospores (indirect germination), whereas warm temperatures and low moisture conditions favor direct germination by germ tube.

How do you identify Pythium?

Place the plates in a clear plastic box or on a tray in a plastic bag and incubate them under fluorescent lights at room temperature. Using a standard or an inverted compound microscope, examine these plates daily to verify that the organisms are Pythium, looking for sporangia, oogonia, antheridia and zoospores.

What disease in the nursery is caused by Pythium spp?

1 Damping-Off Diseases. The damping-off problems is okra, induced by the fungi Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani, severely disrupt the early stage of the crop establishment by causing poor emergence of the seeds and death of the emerging seedlings, which results in poor stands in seedbeds and fields.

What plants are affected by Pythium?

Hosts Include: Berberis, Calendula, Chrysanthemum, Delphinium, Dianthus, Gaillardia, Gypsophila, Lathyrus, Lavandula, Lilium, Lupinus, Pelargonium, Phlox, Salvia, Sempervivum, and Viola. Symptoms: Wilting, stunting, uneven plant growth, crown rot, plant death.

What is Pythosis?

Pythiosis is an emerging infectious disease caused by the aquatic oomycete Pythium insidiosum, a fungal-like organism. It is believed that P. insidiosum’s zoospores, its infected form, play major role in pathogenesis. Vascular and ocular infections are the most common clinical manifestation in humans.

What is the purpose of the sporangium?

A sporangium is a structure in certain plants and other organisms that is charged with making and storing spores. Spores are haploid structures created in organisms that help to germinate and form new organisms. In other words, they help organisms to reproduce.

Which is the best description of a sporangia?

There are three basic types of sporangia, based on the characteristics of the apex: (a) conspicuously papillate with hemispherical apical thickening over 3.5µm deep (b) inconspicuously papillate (semi-papillate) with shallow apical thickening under 3.5µm deep, and (c) non-papillate, without noticeable apical thickening.

What is Merriam Webster’s definition of Pythium?

Definition of pythium. 1 capitalized : a genus of destructive root-parasitic fungi (family Pythiaceae) having filamentous sporangia, smooth-walled spherical oogonia, and stalked antheridia and including forms (as P. debaryanum) that cause damping-off.

What does the asexual stage of Pythium produce?

The asexual or vegetative stage of Pythium produces chlamydospores (thick walled resting spores), sporangia (that germinate directly to produce a hypha or indirectly to give rise to vesicle outside the sporangium, within which zoospores are formed), and hyphal swellings (spherical sporangia-like structures that do not give rise to zoospores).

How are zoospores formed in a Pythium plant?

When mature, a sporangium can germinate to produce a hypha or give rise to zoospores. Zoospores are asexual, motile spores thatare formed in a vesicle and released when the vesicle wall ruptures. Zoospores use flagella to “swim” in free water in soil or on plant surfaces (see disease cycle).