Do you know facts India?

Among many facts about India, this one is the biggest source of amazement. The first ever shampoo was used by locals in India. Dried Indian gooseberry mixed with many other herbs was used to wash hair, a recipe that is still used in the country today. The word ‘shampoo’ is derived from the Hindi word, champo.

What is the most amazing fact about India?

India has the second highest population in the world The country is estimated to have a population of around 1.3 billion people, with the highest populated cities being Delhi and Mumbai; each with a population of over 10 million. In 1951 India became the first developing country to start a family planning program.

What are the best things about India?

31 Amazing Things – India Is Famous For

  • Largest Democracy in The World.
  • Highest Number of Official Languages.
  • World’s Largest Postal Network.
  • Statue of Unity.
  • World’s Highest Cricket Ground.
  • Invention of Chess.
  • Yoga Originated in India.
  • The Most Number of Tigers.

What are 5 fun facts about India?

40 Fun and Interesting Facts About India That Might Surprise You

  • Cows are considered sacred.
  • India is the wettest inhabited place on Earth.
  • India has over 300,000 mosques and over 2 million Hindu temples.
  • Chenab Bridge is the highest rail bridge in the world.
  • Rajasthan has a Temple of Rats.

How India got its name?

The name “India” is originally derived from the name of the river Sindhu (Indus River) and has been in use in Greek since Herodotus (5th century BCE). The term appeared in Old English as early the 9th century and reemerged in Modern English in the 17th century.

Whats is the capital of India?

New Delhi

New Delhi, national capital of India. It is situated in the north-central part of the country on the west bank of the Yamuna River, adjacent to and just south of Delhi city (Old Delhi) and within the Delhi national capital territory.

What are some fun and interesting facts about India?

40 Fun and Interesting Facts About India That Might Surprise You. 1. Cows are considered sacred. If hamburgers are a regular part of your diet, you’ll need to make some adjustments before visiting India! Cows are 2. India is the wettest inhabited place on Earth. 3. India has over 300,000 mosques

What are some interesting facts about cows in India?

1. Cows are considered sacred If hamburgers are a regular part of your diet, you’ll need to make some adjustments before visiting India! Cows are protected by their own set of rules in the Constitution, making killing a cow a crime.

How many people in India can speak English?

Though india is a country of multiple regional and local languages but in terms of English speaking countries in the world, it ranks number 2, yes, india is second largest english speaking country in the world, 10% of indians can speak in English which is about 125 million people. 3.

Which is the official language spoken in India?

The numerous languages spoken across India include Santali, Kashmiri, Bengali, Tamil, and Urdu. However, the official languages are English and Hindi.