Do truck drivers age faster?

As you drive a truck day after day, the right side of your face will be mostly shielded from the sun as the left begins to see frequent, if not constant, sun exposure. This leads to your left side aging more quickly, with signs of thickening skin, thick wrinkles, and premature aging.

How long does sun damage take to show?

According to Dr Schultz, “sun damage from unprotected sun exposure only takes one to two decades to show up, so beginning in anyone’s 20s and early 30s you can start to see the effects of unprotected sun exposure from childhood”!

Is being a truck driver unhealthy?

Due to an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of good nutritional options while traveling, truck drivers are categorically one of the unhealthiest populations in our country. With the proper lifestyle choices, these drivers can reduce their disease risk and increase their life expectancy and quality of life.

What does truck driving do to your body?

It can also raise your risk for heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the United States. We found 26% of truck drivers said they have hypertension, compared to 24% of the US working population. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high.

How old is the average truck driver?

48 years old
Age – The average age of American truck drivers is 48 years old. There are several reasons that the average age is slightly older than the broader blue-collar workforce. As stated above, you must be at least 21 years of age to drive a truck conducting interstate commerce.

What problems do truck drivers face?

Some of them are the lack of qualified drivers, more than 26% of truckers are aged 55 years and older, unsatisfactory working conditions, low pay, new and tougher driver regulations, drug tests and policy, not enough home time etc. The driver shortage affects the entire economy.

What kind of skin damage does a truck driver have?

A 69-year-old man who drove a delivery truck for 28 years shows damaged skin on the left side of his face. New England Journal of Medicine (CBS News) It’s no secret that lots of sun damages the skin. Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun has been tied to premature aging, more wrinkles and a raised risk for potentially deadly skin cancer.

How does the sun damage a truck driver’s face?

The skin on the damaged side of his face is thicker a process known as unilateral dermatoheliosis. UV rays destroy the skin’s elastic fibres which causes the driver’s deep wrinkles. The rays, which can penetrate through glass windows and clouds, also cause skin cancer by breaking down DNA and directing toxicity.

What causes truck driver face to look like?

“Truck Driver Face” is the result of sun damage after years and massive hours behind the wheel driving a truck. The damage is typically limited to the left side of the face, since the position of the driver’s side window leaves this side more exposed to the sun’s harsh rays.

What should I do to protect my truck driver face?

These steps are well worth the effort for truck drivers since so many hours are spent behind the windshield. Use some form of sunscreen whenever you’ll be out in the sun. Dependent on the degree of protection the sunscreen contains, it may scatter some light and help absorb the rays’ effects before it reaches the skin.