Do texting and driving ads work?

Do anti-texting campaigns really work? Sadly, the numbers show that efforts – legal and otherwise – to stop people (particularly teenagers) from texting while driving are not working.

How does texting affect your driving?

Texting while driving is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Texting while driving causes a 400 percent increase in time spent with eyes off the road. Of all cell phone related tasks, texting is by far the most dangerous activity.

How many accidents are caused by texting and driving in 2020?

Quick Texting and Driving Statistics – 2020 (Editor’s Pick) Driving while texting causes 1.6 million car accidents in the US every year.

Are PSA’s effective?

PSA’s tend to be really effective at encouraging the audience to do something. PSA’s can raise awareness of your issue.

Do PSAs work for distracted driving?

A Public Service Announcement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by explaining the horrible effects of distracted driving and the best ways to prevent distracted driving. Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones.

How is texting and driving prevented?

2) Stay off the phone

  1. Put the cell phone on silent mode.
  2. Keep it out of reach by placing it in the backseat or inside the glove compartment.
  3. Commit to never touch that phone unless needed.
  4. Practice commentary driving to stay focused on the road.
  5. Make sure that you don’t text & drive, as it sets a bad example.

Why should you not text and drive?

Of all the activities associated with distracted driving, sending text messages is the most dangerous. A person is 23 times more likely to have a motor vehicle crash while sending a text message than if they were only driving. That number towers over the other activities associated with distracted driving.