Did Jimmy Ray Bromgard get compensation?

In 2008 Bromgard settled with the state for $3.5 million. Of that, $1.1 million went to his lawyers and $1 million went into an annuity that should pay the bills for the remainder of his life, he said.

When was Jimmy Ray Bromgard convicted?

December 1987
Nevertheless, Bromgard was convicted in December 1987 of three counts of sexual intercourse without consent and sentenced to three 40 year terms in prison, to be served concurrently.

Who was the most recent exonerated man in the state of Montana?

Paul D. Kordonowy

State: Montana
Sentence: 30 years
Race/Ethnicity: White
Sex: Male
Age at the date of reported crime: 24

Who in Montana has been exonerated from a crime through the use of DNA?

On October 1, 2002, Jimmy Ray Bromgard became the 111th person in the United States to be exonerated by postconviction DNA testing. Bromgard spent fourteen and a half years in a Montana prison for a crime he did not commit – the rape of an eight-year-old girl.

What is Joseph buffey doing now?

Buffey is serving 40 years in prison for the robbery of the elderly mother of a Clarksburg police officer, and 30 to 70 years more for two counts of first-degree sexual assault. Though he pleaded guilty in 2001 in a hearing before Bedell, Buffey now maintains he is innocent.

How old was Joseph buffey when he went to jail?

(Buffey had pled guilty to the crime on the advice of his court-appointed lawyer, who assured him that he would be treated with leniency because he was only 19 years old at the time.)

Where is Dean Cage now?

Now out of prison for just more than a year, Dean enjoys spending time with his sons and fiancé, Jewel, who testified at his trial as an alibi witness and supported him throughout his wrongful incarceration.

How old was Dean Cage when he was convicted?

Dean Cage, a 28-year-old father of three, was convicted at a Cook County bench trial in 1994 of a sexual assault he did not commit and exonerated in 2008 after DNA testing excluded him as the source of biological evidence recovered from the 15-year-old victim, whose erroneous identification testimony had been the sole …

Why was Dean Cage a suspect?

In November 1994, a 15-year-old girl was raped on her way to school in Chicago. Cage was convicted based largely on the victim’s eyewitness misidentification. The victim helped police prepare a composite sketch of her attacker, which was circulated in the neighborhood where the crime occurred.

Where is AB Butler now?

Butler was cleared and freed when the DNA test results of three different hair and semen samples left by the perpetrator excluded him as the rapist. A.B. is happily married and works in Tyler, TX.

How old was AB Butler when he was convicted?

The victim initially identified Butler, who was 28 years old, from a book of mug shots and later identified him in a lineup. On June 1, 1983, Butler was arrested. He went to trial in December 1983….A.B. Butler, Jr.

State: Texas
Additional Convictions: Kidnapping
Reported Crime Date: 1983
Convicted: 1983
Exonerated: 2000

Who is AB Butler?

Butler was convicted in 1983 in Smith County, Texas, of aggravated kidnapping (the aggravating factor was rape). She had been forced to drive to a rural area before the assailant raped her twice. The victim initially identified Butler from a book of mug shots and later identified him in a lineup.