Did Anakin recognize Embo?

5 Embo. Embo is a bounty hunter from the planet Phatrong who operated mostly during the Clone Wars. If that isn’t enough to prove his skills, Embo is also recognized for successfully managing to capture Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker.

Which clones died in Clone Wars?


  • CT-327 – Electrocuted from behind with a stun baton by a commando droid.
  • CT-00-2010 “Droidbait” – Shot by commando droids.
  • ”Nub” – Shot by commando droids.
  • CT-19-7409 ”O’Niner” – Shot by commando droids.
  • CT-4040 ”Cutup” – Eaten by a Rishi Eel.
  • Unit 26 – Shot in the head by Captain Rex.

Is Embo a bad guy?

Type of Villain Embo is a bounty hunter and an antagonist in the Star Wars universe, appearing in Star Wars The Clone Wars TV series. He was voiced by Dave Filoni.

How many people are on screen deaths in the Clone Wars?

The number of clone deaths in Star Wars II Attack of the Clones, Star Wars the Clone Wars (movie and seasons 1-6) and Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith add up to approximately 60,523 on the low end and 196,464 on the high end.

Who killed Embo?

Embo killed six of them, three of which he snapped their necks, but was shot and knocked out by a pirate tank. He was presumed dead but was stitched up and survived, unlike Rumi, who was killed. Sugi and Embo left in the Halo to drop off the Jedi at a Republic outpost.

What happened to Embo after Clone Wars?

Affiliation(s) Embo was a Kyuzo male bounty hunter who lived during the era of the Clone Wars. He carried a bowcaster and wore a large-rimmed circular hat, which he used as a weapon or a shield. After the battle of Jakku, Embo received funding from the New Republic, but when it ran out, he lived as a farmer on Felucia.

What was the saddest clone death?

We’re breaking down the top 5 most heartbreaking moments in The Clone Wars.

  1. Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order.
  2. Fives dying while trying to expose Palpatine.
  3. 501st dying during Order 66.
  4. 99 dying like the hero he is. Season 3, Episode 2, “ARC Troopers”
  5. Satine dying in Obi-Wan’s arms. Season 5, Episode 16, “The Lawless”

Is Embo still alive?

The seven then fought off the pirates. Embo killed six of them, three of which he snapped their necks, but was shot and knocked out by a pirate tank. He was presumed dead but was stitched up and survived, unlike Rumi, who was killed.

Does Embo survive the Clone Wars?

Embo and his anooba Marrok traveled to Serenno on the Guillotine and rendezvoused with Krayt’s Claw and Ventress at the planet’s spaceport. While the mission proved to be a failure, Embo and the rest of Fett’s team escaped a direct encounter with the Sith Lord Count Dooku, alive.

Who kills Embo?

How did EMBO die in the Clone Wars?

Embo and the rest of the bounty hunters quickly outnumbered the Jedi, but were talked out of killing them by Casiss. The seven then fought off the pirates. Embo killed six of them, three of which he snapped their necks, but was shot and knocked out by a pirate tank.

What kind of weapon does EMBO have in Star Wars?

He carried a bowcaster and wore a large-rimmed circular hat, which he used as a weapon or a shield. Embo was known to work as part of Sugi’s band of bounty hunters, though on his own he was renowned as one of the most skilled bounty hunters of his time, at one point managing to match the Jedi Anakin Skywalker.

Who are the bounty hunters in the Clone Wars?

Embo was one of the bounty hunters hired by the Hutts to dispose of Darth Maul and his associates, Savage Opress and Pre Vizsla. They nearly driven them out until Bo-Katan and the Shadow Collective forces arrived to launch a counterattack. Nearly defeated, Embo and the others ran away.

How did EMBO kill Padme Amidala and Skywalker?

When Clovis arrived, along with Padmé Amidala and Skywalker, Embo killed Amidala’s aide, Teckla Minnau, and disabled the trio’s ship. As they fled in a speeder, Marrok forced them to pilot down the mountainside.