Can you use General Hydroponics Flora Series in soil?

Can GH nutrients be used in soil? Absolutely! All of our nutrient blends contain the necessary elements for plant growth.

How do you use General Hydroponics Flora Series?

How do I mix the Flora Series? Always start with a reservoir filled with water, then add the concentrated nutrients one by one. Never mix the nutrients together in their concentrated form, as this will cause nutrient “lock-out” making some minerals unavailable.

How do you use flora bloom in soil?

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix 2.5 ml (seedling) to 20 ml (aggressive bloom) per gallon of water. Combine with FloraGro and FloraMicro to meet the specialized needs of each phase in a plant’s life cycle: seedling, vegetative, transitional, flowering and fruiting.

Do hydroponic nutrients go bad?

The good news is, hydroponic nutrients won’t go bad. However, nutrients need caring for and using correctly. If you overdose nutrients, symptoms are nutrient burn, salt build up, possible plant death, and you might dispose of nutrients you think are bad.

Can you use flora bloom by itself?

Yes and no. The FloraNova series is designed to use one part at a time, but in a time of transition it may be beneficial to mix the two at half strength each (makes a full strength nutrient solution). Use FloraNova Grow in the vegetative stage and FloraNova Bloom in the fruiting/flowering stage.

How often do I change hydroponic water?

The best time to change your hydroponic water entirely is after you’ve topped it off enough times to fill it fully. For an average-size hydroponic system, you’ll likely need to change your water every two to three weeks. However, with smaller hydroponic containers, there will be a shorter time interval.

What do you need to know about the Flora series?

Flora Series® is the O.G. 3-Part Hydroponic-Based Nutrient System. More than 40 years ago, when the other guys were still in grade school, our scientists were hard at work with a mission: to give growers a consistent and precise way to feed their plants through every growth phase.

What’s the proper ratio of floragro to floramicro?

The proper ratio of each Flora Series nutrient depends on the crop and the stage of growth (look on the label for specific recommendations for different crops). However, as a rule of thumb we use the “1-2-3” ratio: For bloom initiation to ripening stage use 1 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 3 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water.

When was the first Flora series plant made?

First formulated in 1976, Flora Series is the original 3-part hydroponic-based nutrient system consisting of FloraGro®, FloraBloom® and FloraMicro®. Good things really do come in threes.

Why is it important to use florabloom in hydroponics?

FloraBloom® provides minerals for the reproductive growth stage to support Flowering, Fruiting and Seed Production. More than 40 years ago, when the other guys were still in grade school, our scientists were hard at work with a mission: to give growers a consistent and precise way to feed their plants through every growth phase.