Can you traverse a binary tree without recursion?

1 Answer. yes, you can do it with stack. you have to take stack here the algorithm for p reorder, in-order and post-order traversal in iterative way (non recursive way/method) of binary search tree.

In which tree do we avoid the recursive method of traversing a tree?

A Threaded Binary Tree is a binary tree in which every node that does not have a right child has a THREAD (in actual sense, a link) to its INORDER successor. By doing this threading we avoid the recursive method of traversing a Tree, which makes use of stacks and consumes a lot of memory and time.

How do you print a binary tree without recursion?

1) Create an empty stack S. 2) Initialize current node as root 3) Push the current node to S and set current = current->left until current is NULL 4) If current is NULL and stack is not empty then a) Pop the top item from stack. b) Print the popped item, set current = popped_item->right c) Go to step 3.

How do I print a preorder traversal without recursion?

Preorder Traversal of N-ary Tree Without Recursion

  1. Create an empty stack to store nodes.
  2. Push the root node to the stack.
  3. Run a loop while the stack is not empty. …. a) Pop the top node from stack. …. b) Print the popped node. ….
  4. If stack is empty then we are done.

What is recursive and non recursive tree traversal?

1. Recursive functions are simpler to implement since you only have to care about a node, they use the stack to store the state for each call. Non-recursive functions have a lot less stack usage but require you to store a list of all nodes for each level and can be far more complex than recursive functions.

Which of the following traversing algorithm is not used to traverse in a tree?

Explanation: Random access is not possible with linked lists. 3. Which of the following traversing algorithm is not used to traverse in a tree? Explanation: Generally, all nodes in a tree are visited by using preorder, inorder and postorder traversing algorithms.

What is binary tree write non-recursive pre order binary tree traversal algorithm?

Since we are not using recursion, we will use the Stack to store the traversal, we need to remember that preorder traversal is, first traverse the root node then left node followed by the right node. Pseudo Code: Create a Stack. Print the root and push it to Stack and go left i.e root=root.