Can you take photos in the Anne Frank House?

Can I take pictures inside the Anne Frank House? In order to protect the original items in the museum and to avoid causing nuisance to other visitors, photography is not allowed in the museum. There is a free cloakroom at the museum. You can leave your coat, bag, umbrella, or buggy here.

What is the purpose of the Anne Frank House?

The Anne Frank House organisation was established in 1957 and its main purpose was to preserve the hiding place and open it up to the public, and to promote the ideals of Anne Frank in the process.

What is Anne Frank’s weight?

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, at the Maingau Red Cross Hospital. She weighed over 8 pounds and was 54 cm long.

How does Anne describe life in the annex?

In a particularly self-reflective entry, Anne thinks back on her life before coming to the annex. She says that her life was heavenly but that she was superficial and very different back then. Anne remarks that her carefree days as a schoolgirl are gone forever, but she does not miss them.

Where is Anne Frank’s attic?

Anne Frank’s family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank’s business, located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, on July 6, 1942.

Where can I visit the Anne Frank House?

The official website of the Anne Frank House, with the most complete and up-to-date information about Anne Frank, her diary, and the Secret Annex. Visit our museum and read more about our educational activities across the world.

When did Anne Frank family go into hiding?

Take a look around and discover the Secret Annex where Anne Frank hid for more than 2 years during WWII and where she wrote her diary. In July 1942, the Frank family went into hiding. The Van Pels family followed a week later. The two families already knew each other: Hermann van Pels worked for Otto’s company.

Where was Anne Frank’s Secret Annex after the war?

The former hiding place, the Secret Annex, was left empty. After the war, the previous hiding place at Prinsengracht 263 and the neighbouring properties had fallen into disrepair. In 1950, the Berghaus textile factory wanted to buy the houses on the corner of the Prinsengracht and the Westermarkt. Prinsengracht 263 was one of them.

When was the Anne Frank Foundation set up?

The Anne Frank Foundation was set up by Otto Frank and Johannes Kleiman on 3 May 1957 with the primary aim of collecting enough funds to purchase and restore the building. In October of that year, the company who owned it donated the building to the Foundation as a goodwill gesture.