Can you still buy Pillsbury Space Food Sticks?

We are sad to announce that Space Food Sticks have been discontinued by the manufacturer and our supply is sold out.

When Did Space Food Sticks discontinued?

Space Food Sticks have been a part of the Australian vernacular since the 1960s. But sadly, they were pulled from stores when they were discontinued in 2014.

What were space food sticks made out of?

The first two ingredients were sucrose and corn syrup. The Space Food Sticks were available to the astronauts starting with Apollo 11, and were designed to do exactly what the government asked from Pillsbury: provide contingency food when the astronauts were confined to their pressurized spacesuits.

What is the problem with space food?

The salt and pepper would simply float away. There is a danger they could clog air vents, contaminate equipment or get stuck in an astronaut’s eyes, mouth or nose. Astronauts eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Do they still sell space sticks?

Space Food Sticks disappeared from North American supermarket shelves in the 1980s. They were marketed under the Nestlé Starz brand to modern-day Australian children as an energy food. Production stopped in 2014, apart from a very brief reappearance in 2019 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing.

Do Space Food Sticks still exist?

What happened to Space Food Sticks?

What did Space Food Sticks taste like?

The consumer version of the “perfectly balanced energy snack” was slightly modified, and a shorter version of the food sticks eaten by astronauts. They came individually-wrapped, in similar flavors to what the astronauts enjoyed, like chocolate, caramel and peanut butter.

Do astronauts still eat freeze dried food?

Freeze-dried food doesn’t need to be refrigerated and lasts a long time. To eat freeze-dried food, astronauts squeeze water into the food packages. Astronauts today eat many of the same foods they eat on Earth. Food is still dehydrated or prepared in special ways.

How do astronauts poop in space?

To poop, astronauts used thigh straps to sit on the small toilet and to keep a tight seal between their bottoms and the toilet seat. There are two parts: a hose with a funnel at the end for peeing and a small raised toilet seat for pooping.

What did Apollo 11 eat in space?

Ralph Morse/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images. Apollo 11 space mission, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin reportedly were served beef and vegetables, pork with potato scallops, and Canadian bacon and apple sauce — all out of a package.

What do space food sticks do for You?

And now, that same high-energy food is available to you in a new snack form called Space Food Sticks. Space Food Sticks give you balanced nutrition in a chewy little stick. They deliver two kinds of energy: instant energy and endurance energy. They give you the same kind of protein found in fresh, whole milk.

What kind of snacks are in Pillsbury Space Food Sticks?

Pillsbury Space Food Sticks — in chocolate, caramel or peanut butter. They’ll help keep you on the go. No matter how far you’re going. Whether you go a block from home or hundreds of miles, Space Food Sticks are the handiest way yet to carry extra energy along.

Who was the inventor of the space food stick?

The Pillsbury Company, which had been lending its support to NASA, saw an opportunity to catch a little “moon fever” for their company. Their efforts lead to the creation of Space Food Sticks. Lead by Dr. Howard Bauman, the food scientists at Pillsbury whipped up an energy stick that was actually edible.

When do Space Food Sticks come out on Deliveroo?

Deliveroo has allegedly partnered up with a “food scientist” to recreate the much-loved snack for our consumption. Using ingredients from the original recipe used in the seventies and eighties, the Space Food Stick will be available for $1 on Deliveroo from Friday 19 July while stocks last.