Can you save both Legion and Tali?

If you DO have 5 Points or more, your plea will succeed, and both the Geth and Quarians will live, as will Tali / Shala’Raan. Legion however will still die, sacrificing himself to disseminate the Reaper code among the Geth.

Can you romance Tali in Mass Effect 3?

The only way that you can start a romance with Tali in Mass Effect 3 is by starting the romance in Mass Effect 2. Tali will only start a romance with a male Shepard character. It is not possible to romance Tali in Mass Effect 3 if you do not import a file from the previous game.

What happens if Legion died in me2?

If it dies: Legion’s role will be replaced by a Geth VI, meaning you cannot bring peace between the geth and quarians and must instead choose between them. Whichever race you do not choose will become extinct and you will only get one War Asset as a result.

Should I tell the Quarians to go to war?

It’s also pointless since the geth aren’t living on the quarian homeworld and don’t wish to keep it. But, basically, tell them to go to war if you’re a renegade and tell them to make peace if you’re a paragon.

What happens in me3 if Jack died in me2?

Jack dies. If Jack dies during the Suicide Mission, your Romance with her will end, and she’ll make no appearance in Mass Effect 3. Her role will be carried out by a student, Jason Prangley during the Grissom Academy Mission.

What happens in me3 if Shepard dies in me2?

If you have a dead Shepard at the end of Mass Effect 2, that saved game won’t import into Mass Effect 3. You can play Mass Effect 3 if you died in Mass Effect 2 of course, but you’ll have to create a new Shepard.

When can I romance Tali?

Once you complete Tali’s Loyalty Mission, you can begin courting her, which happens in three conversation stages. Each conversation stage is reached by initiating the one before it and then completing any Mission or Assignment.

How do you get Tali loyal not exiled?

To secure Tali’s loyalty but end with her exiled, you simply have to refuse to present the evidence, instead lying and saying you didn’t find anything. Tali will be found guilty of treason and exiled from the fleet, but she will be loyal to Shepard and the Normandy crew for the ending.

What was the conflict between Geth and quarians in Mass Effect 3?

One of the most fascinating and nuanced storylines in Mass Effect is the conflict between the Quarians and the Geth. Their longstanding animosity comes to a head in Mass Effect 3 when the Quarians launch a surprise attack that causes the Geth to ally with the Reapers.

Why is Tali on trial for treason Mass Effect 3?

Tali’s loyalty mission, called Treason, sees her on trial for treason against her people for sending geth units to her father, Rael who is on the quarian Admiralty Board, that have reactivated and killed everybody on her father’s ship the Alarei.

How many points do you get in Mass Effect 3?

The player must earn a minimum of 5 points based on actions in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Players gain points by doing the following: +1 if Shepard used a Paragon/Renegade option to resolve the confrontation between Legion and Tali in Mass Effect 2

What was Legion’s mission in Mass Effect 3?

Legion’s mission entails Shepard going with him to a geth heretic station, heretics being geth that worship the Reapers, in order to stop them from releasing a virus that would make all geth worship the Reapers.