Can you overdose on Cerazette?

(overdose) There have been no reports of serious harmful effects from taking too many Cerazette® tablets at one time. Symptoms that may occur are nausea, vomiting and, in women or girls, slight vaginal bleeding. For more information ask your doctor for advice.

What is Cerazette tablet used for?

Cerazette is used to prevent pregnancy. There are 2 main kinds of hormone contraceptive. The combined pill, “The Pill”, which contains 2 types of female sex hormone an oestrogen and a progestogen, The progestogen-only pill, POP, which doesn’t contain an oestrogen.

What are the side effects of Cerazette pill?

Most women will not experience any side effects on Cerazette, but some report irregular bleeding – this usually settles within 3 months. Other side effects can include headaches, acne, feeling sick, mood swings, and breast sensitivity.

Do I need a prescription for Cerazette?

No, you can’t get Cerazette over the counter without a prescription. Cerazette is a prescription only medication, so you need a prescription from a doctor before you can get it from a pharmacy.

Is cerazette a 3 hour or 12 hour pill?

Disadvantages of the progestogen-only pill Must be taken the same time every day. Cerazette and the generic form, Cerelle, have a 12-hour window and other pills have a three-hour window. Your periods may change in a way that does not suit you.

Can you take 2 cerazette a day?

Take your next pill at your normal time. This may mean taking two pills together – this is not harmful. If you are less than 12 hours late taking a pill you are still protected and don’t need to use extra contraception.

Can I get pregnant on Cerazette?

It’s extremely unlikely that you’ll get pregnant if you take Cerazette correctly each day. But, if this does happen, there’s no evidence that the pills you have taken will harm the baby.

Is Cerazette good for acne?

On the one hand, the combined pill (in particular brands such as Yasmin and Dianette) can improve skin for acne sufferers but the mini pill (for example, Cerazette and Micronor) can potentially have the opposite effect.

Does Cerazette stop ovulation?

The desogestrel pill (12-hour pill, such as Cerazette) stops ovulation in 97% of menstrual cycles. This means that if you’re using a 12-hour progestogen-only pill, you won’t release an egg in 97 cycles out of 100.

Can I start taking Cerazette at any time?

When can I start taking Cerazette? You can start taking Cerazette at any time in your menstrual cycle. If you start it on day 1 to 5 of your period you’ll be protected from pregnancy straight away and don’t need to use any extra contraception.

Can I buy cerazette at a pharmacy?

Cerazette, in the UK, is a prescription-only medicine and you cannot buy it from a pharmacy. However, you can request to order it from an online doctor and pharmacy service, such as Simple Online Pharmacy.

How do I take Cerazette for the first time?

How to take Cerazette. First, decide what time of day you’re going to take your pill. Then, take one Cerazette pill every day, at that same time each day. When you finish a pack start the next pack straight away without having a break.

What kind of pill is Cerazette and what does it contain?

Cerazette is a contraceptive pill used to prevent pregnancy. It’s a type of pill called the mini-pill or progestogen-only pill. It only contains one hormone – desogestrel – and doesn’t contain oestrogen. Cerazette is the same as other mini-pills that contain desogestrel 75 micrograms; these include Cerelle, Zelleta and Feanolla.

What is the difference between desogestrel and Cerazette?

It only contains one female sex hormone – desogestrel – and doesn’t contain oestrogen. Cerazette is different from most POPs in having a dose that in most cases prevents the egg cell from ripening. Cerazette is the same as other mini-pills that contain desogestrel 75 micrograms; these include Cerelle, Zelleta and Feanolla.

When to take Cerazette 75 microgram film coated tablets?

The first tablet should be taken on the first day of menstrual bleeding. Thereafter one tablet each day is to be taken continuously, without taking any notice on possible bleeding. A new blister is started directly the day after the previous one.

What do you need to know about Cerazette leaflet?

This leaflet will provide information about the benefits and risks of Cerazette®. It will also advise you about how to take Cerazette® properly and when to tell your doctor about health-related conditions. Ifyou have any further questions, ask your doctor or your pharmacist.