Can you filter a pivot table using a macro?

Pivot Table Report Filter Macros. Use macros to quickly change the report filters in an Excel pivot table, or block filter changes. Download free workbooks to test the macros.

Can you filter data in a pivot table?

In the PivotTable, select one or more items in the field that you want to filter by selection. Right-click an item in the selection, and then click Filter.

How do I filter a pivot table list?

The quickest way to see a list of the Multiple Items in the filter is to add a slicer to the pivot table.

  1. Select any cell in the pivot table.
  2. Select the Analyze/Options tab in the ribbon.
  3. Click the Insert Slicer button.
  4. Check the box for the field that is in the Filters area with the filter applied to it.
  5. Press OK.

How do I automatically filter a pivot table?


  1. Find the Undo button.
  2. Right-click near the Undo button and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. A drop-down menu at the top-left of the dialog is set to Popular Commands.
  4. About 15 items down the left list box, you’ll see AutoFilter.
  5. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog.

How do I filter a pivot table based on cell value?

Filter Items based on Value

  1. Go to Row Label filter –> Value Filters –> Greater Than.
  2. In the Value Filter dialog box: Select the values you want to use for filtering. In this case, it is the Sum of Sales (if you have more items in the values area, the drop down would show all of it). Select the condition.
  3. Click OK.

How do I add a filter to a pivot table formula?

Use a heading such as “Include.” The formula would be =C2<=NOW(), as illustrated in Figure 2. Then copy the formula down to all rows. When you build the pivot table, move the Include field to the Report Filter (or to a slicer if you are in Excel 2010). Choose True from the filter (see Figure 3).

How do I create a custom filter in a pivot table?

Add a Filter Field

  1. Click any cell in the PivotTable.
  2. Drag a field to the Filters area in the PivotTable Fields pane. The filter field appears at the top of the PivotTable.
  3. Click the list arrow for the field you’ve added as a filter.
  4. Select the item(s) you want to use as a filter.
  5. Click OK.

How do I filter a pivot table based on another pivot table?

Then you can add that field as a filter in pt 2 and set it to TRUE. Here is an example of something that would work….Filter Pivot table base on result of another pivot table.

sum of AMOUNT
0002 150
0004 500

How do I filter one PivotTable based on another PivotTable?

Then you can add that field as a filter in pt 2 and set it to TRUE….Filter Pivot table base on result of another pivot table.

sum of AMOUNT
0002 150
0004 500

How do you filter column in pivot table?

To filter the summary data in the columns or rows of a pivot table, click the column or row field’s filter button and click the check box at the top of the drop-down list to clear check marks. Click the check boxes for all the groups or entries whose summed values you want displayed in the pivot table to put back check marks in each box. Click OK.

How do you filter pivot tables in Excel?

Steps Launch Microsoft Excel. Browse to and open the workbook file containing the pivot table and source data for which you need filter data. Select the worksheet containing the pivot tab and make it active by clicking the appropriate tab. Determine the attribute by which you want to filter data in your pivot table.

How do I Collapse all fields in a pivot table?

Instead of changing pivot items individually, you can use the pivot table commands, to expand or collapse the entire pivot field. Right-click the pivot item, then click Expand/Collapse. Select on of the Expand/Collapse options: To see the details for all items in the selected pivot field, click Expand Entire Field.

How to filter out zeros in an Excel pivot table?

#1 select the pivot table in your worksheet, and the PivotTable Fields pane will appear. #2 drag fields which you want to filter or hide zero values from the Choose fields to add to report section to FILTERS section in PivotTable Fields pane. #3 click the drop down arrow of the field, and check Select Multiple Items, and uncheck 0 value .